Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Though i was remiss in posting regarding last Saturday's New Moon in Gemini on May27th, please see references for a good read as the new moon's energy carries towards the next full month

Gemini New Moon:
Drilling with Gemini
By Dana Gerhardt

Gemini New Moon Meditation:
Tuning in to Hermes - the God of Soul Talk
By Pythia Peay

Pythia Peay is the author of Soul Sisters: The Five Sacred Qualities of a Woman’s Soul and Mercury Retrograde: Its Myth and Meaning.
© 2006 Pythia Peay
All rights reserved

Monday, May 29, 2006

From I Village astrology and

Do the Planetary Shuffle
Heavenly relocation is all the rage this week!

Venus moves into Taurus on the 29th, and that's the pairing delightful, long-lasting romantic decisions are made of -- remember that a little choosiness can be a good thing! But that's just the beginning of this week's planetary relocation: On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars moves into Leo. With the planet of communication feeling emotional and the planet of action extra dramatic, be sure to think before you speak. For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on The Stars This Week.

Balancing Act
Emotional energies are running high, and when combined with the impulse to speak your mind, you might find yourself with a foot (or two!) in your mouth if you're not careful. Take some time out and do a little self-inventory to discover just what's going on inside. Your free sample Inner Healing Reading will give important insight into your well-being.

Maximize This Week's Energy
· With communicative Mercury moving into emotional Cancer, be careful what you wish for. Check out the Wishing Dictionary and see if you're on track.

· "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly." Let that be your motto as the Sun in Gemini allows you a wonderfully playful attitude toward yourself. Explore Kindness by the Signs and discover just what a lovely soul you really are.

Coming next week: Both dreamers and realists will have cause for cheer!

from Penny Thornton's site

29th May 2006 - 4th June 2006
We have arrived at a point in the year when suddenly people have the idea that time is short, and something - anything - must be done to get projects moving in the right direction. And this trend will be as apparent on the world's stage as it is in your own home. All the big guns are out - that's Pluto, Uranus and Saturn - so it's no use hoping that our opponents will be magnanimous and our every move will be greeted with enthusiasm. But - and it's a big but - great things come out of alignments like these, and although I am feverishly checking my bank account and sending proverbial flowers to those I might have offended, there's just a chance that finally the plumber will arrive to sort out my dysfunctional water system. I'll keep you posted.


and tidbit from Jonathan Cainer on

Your Week Ahead
Mars, this week, forms a notoriously difficult, 150 degree angle of antagonism to Pluto. The Sun meanwhile, is 150 degrees apart from Jupiter. American astrologers call these alignments 'inconjuncts'. Here,we use the mediaeval term 'quincunx'. On both sides of the Atlantic though there's consensus about the meaning of this rare and potent angle. It creates nuisance and restlessness. It's not a 'bad influence' but nor does it create an ideal cosmic climate. If, this week, you start to feel as if you've got 'an itch you just can't scratch' that's the quincunx at work. No matter what's irking you, don't get into it... ignore it!

Hi Jonathan,
My friend tells me that astrology is out of step with the sky. She says that over 2,000 years of 'precession', the constellations have moved. Is that right?
Dear Marie,
The constellations do indeed move over time. That's precisely why we astrologers don't use them to define the zodiac. We use equal, unchanging divisions of the 'ecliptic' (or sun's apparent path) instead. Precession has been happening for far more than just a couple of thousand years. Though it is relatively new to modern astronomers, some guardians of ancient wisdom have long been aware of this phenomenon.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Stars This Week
By Kelli Fox

Mercury into Gemini, Sun into Gemini
05/15/06 - 05/21/06

When fast-moving Mercury finds himself in equally speedy Gemini on the 19th, thinking before you speak could become quite a challenge. And when the Sun joins the Communication Planet in the sign of the twins on the 20th, get ready to take your pace of life up yet another notch. Make good use of this energy to accomplish important goals (but see what you can do about giving big decisions at least a few seconds of thought!).

May 19: Mercury into Gemini
It's time for ordinarily fleet-footed Mercury to shift gears -- after two weeks of precision, he's leaving meticulous Taurus for a sign that's far more suited to his taste: fast-moving Gemini. What could be more appropriate? Picture Mercury, with wings on his head and his heels. That means he thinks on his feet, which is going to be a lot easier (for the next two weeks, anyway) in his favorite sign. All that said, it might also be a good idea for you to take your time acting whenever possible, even though this planet-sign combination will be urging you to do just the opposite. Remind yourself to take a second or two to make a decision. That's not a lot to ask, right?

May 20: Sun into Gemini
The Sun has followed Mercury, his constant companion, into Gemini -- and boy, is it obvious, to one and all. Everyone is moving at warp speed nine, dashing around, talking a mile a minute and multitasking, whether they need to or not. Your mission -- and you really should try to accept it -- is to give in, move as quickly as you can and not waste a second, no matter what you're up to. You'll feel better if you get things done fast -- and think of everything you'll be able to accomplish! You might also help a slower-moving friend to pick up the pace a bit ... Couldn't hurt, right?

from I Village Astrology

Friday, May 05, 2006

Eric Francis, is creator of the popular web magazine,
Eric writes: Tomorrow, the Sun crosses the midpoint of Taurus, which is how the holiday Beltane is usually reckoned. When the Sun gets to this point, we are exactly between the Aries equinox and Cancer solstice. In a strange and, actually, effective way, the year is divided into eight half-seasons which track the solar journey - that is, of expression, individuality and the quest for outward growth. More than a balancing point, Beltane is like a leverage point where we begin to pick up momentum, where new growth takes root, and where we throw off the last sleepy, slow and dark traces of winter. Later today, I'll post the horoscopes for Beltane and for the Cancer solstice to the Astrology Secrets Revealed page and describe those charts in greater detail. They are interesting, and easy enough to understand.
Jonathan Cainer horoscopes

for a mindful insight
try this sabian symbols

Thursday, May 04, 2006

From Jonathan Cainer's site:

Monthly Forecast for MAY 2006 by Yasmin Boland

When you read your forecast, you'll see that May is the month for massive changes. Funnily enough, psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall, of Cardiff University, agrees.
In this month's issue of the excellent UK magazine Spirit and Destiny, Dr Arnall is quoted as saying that May 18 is the optimum day for changing our lives for the better.
It's nothing to do with astrology for him though - rather, he used a formula taking into account public holidays and hours of daylight.
With the earth-moving Jupiter/Uranus link taking place on May 5 (see your forecast for more details) the skies certainly agree with him!
Have a great month and look at where you want change - then act.
Yasmin x
Full Moon in Scorpio on May 13 at 7.50am BST Thanks to Jupiter/Uranus, many of us have made massive changes and/or strides forwards. This is the week we realise what we now have to leave behind - and it's not going to be as hard as it usually is to move on!
New Moon in Gemini on May 27 at 6.25am BST If you said too much recently, now is the time to put that behind you. Think and plan long term and make sure your conversations are about what you want for your future, rather than about what you regret from the past.
May 3 - love gets reckless, spontaneous and impetuous as Venus enters Aries ... May 5 - want change? Do it now! ... May 8 - great day for direct action ... May 12 - perfect if you need to kiss and make up ... May 21 - tr賠romantique ... May 24 - battles of the sexes abound ... May 29 - romance feels more reliable
Make a massive change ... have long term talks about commitment and/or cash arrangements ... fall in love ... rock someone's world ... watch your ego ... settle a score ...

Yasmin divides her time between sunny Sydney and London. A full-time writer, Yasmin writes weekly astrology columns in UK magazine, Closer and in Australia's Woolworth's Fresh magazine and The Sunday Telegraph's body+soul lift-out, as well as monthly stars in Cleo and Madison magazines. Check out her website

editorial notes:
Go to to read your own scope for the month
hint: prepare your natal birth chart and determine your AC (ascendant)-- read the scope for that sign too as that will guide you with surprising effect

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

** Note from

It's a time of rebirth and growth for much of the world and the planets are ready to get in on the action! For starters, the Sun's move into get-the-job-done Taurus today should go a long way toward getting your latest initiatives off the ground. And when Venus moves into Aries and Mercury moves into Taurus later this astrological month, you'll enjoy a potentially productive change of pace in romance and communication too.

Of course, Taurus is ruled by Venus, and that planet of love is in full effect this month -- keep an eye on her upcoming trine to Jupiter and square to Pluto, and check out your free sample Love Meter to hone your relationship skills. Make the most of the Sun's visit to Taurus with the results of your True Talent Test, then learn how to maximize Mercury's move into the same sign with regular peeks at your Daily Extended Horoscope. Looking for a little more romantic guidance? The Love Match can bring clarity to any pairing!

May 3: Venus into Aries
After weeks of contemplating that perfect person to hide out with -- to hibernate with, that is, for as long as possible and with minimal interruption -- you've had your fill. And you're not alone. If you already have a special someone, this doesn't mean that you two aren't meant for each other -- but you may not be meant to spend quite so much time together. The situation is this: Loving Venus has just left discreet, privacy-loving Pisces in favor of something a lot more assertive. Aries, the most action-oriented sign out there, is Venus's current host, and will be for the rest of the month. So if your friends -- not to mention your sweetheart -- seem a bit befuddled by your behavior, try to be understanding. Aren't you a bit surprised yourself?

May 5: Mercury into Taurus
When the Sun is in a different sign than Mercury, his constant companion, it's easy to see that he'd be lonely -- and to us here on Earth, it almost feels like Mercury is retrograde. One thing you might notice in particular is that there's about a two-second delay before you can honestly say what's on your mind. Instead of just opening our mouths and speaking, we all need first to think and translate right now. Fortunately, after almost two full weeks, all that will end today, especially with regard to matters of love and money -- and what could be more important? Stop stalling. Call that 'state of the relationship' meeting, make some coffee and get the show on the road! Isn't it time to get it all out into the open?