Monday, May 29, 2006

From I Village astrology and

Do the Planetary Shuffle
Heavenly relocation is all the rage this week!

Venus moves into Taurus on the 29th, and that's the pairing delightful, long-lasting romantic decisions are made of -- remember that a little choosiness can be a good thing! But that's just the beginning of this week's planetary relocation: On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars moves into Leo. With the planet of communication feeling emotional and the planet of action extra dramatic, be sure to think before you speak. For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on The Stars This Week.

Balancing Act
Emotional energies are running high, and when combined with the impulse to speak your mind, you might find yourself with a foot (or two!) in your mouth if you're not careful. Take some time out and do a little self-inventory to discover just what's going on inside. Your free sample Inner Healing Reading will give important insight into your well-being.

Maximize This Week's Energy
· With communicative Mercury moving into emotional Cancer, be careful what you wish for. Check out the Wishing Dictionary and see if you're on track.

· "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly." Let that be your motto as the Sun in Gemini allows you a wonderfully playful attitude toward yourself. Explore Kindness by the Signs and discover just what a lovely soul you really are.

Coming next week: Both dreamers and realists will have cause for cheer!

from Penny Thornton's site

29th May 2006 - 4th June 2006
We have arrived at a point in the year when suddenly people have the idea that time is short, and something - anything - must be done to get projects moving in the right direction. And this trend will be as apparent on the world's stage as it is in your own home. All the big guns are out - that's Pluto, Uranus and Saturn - so it's no use hoping that our opponents will be magnanimous and our every move will be greeted with enthusiasm. But - and it's a big but - great things come out of alignments like these, and although I am feverishly checking my bank account and sending proverbial flowers to those I might have offended, there's just a chance that finally the plumber will arrive to sort out my dysfunctional water system. I'll keep you posted.


and tidbit from Jonathan Cainer on

Your Week Ahead
Mars, this week, forms a notoriously difficult, 150 degree angle of antagonism to Pluto. The Sun meanwhile, is 150 degrees apart from Jupiter. American astrologers call these alignments 'inconjuncts'. Here,we use the mediaeval term 'quincunx'. On both sides of the Atlantic though there's consensus about the meaning of this rare and potent angle. It creates nuisance and restlessness. It's not a 'bad influence' but nor does it create an ideal cosmic climate. If, this week, you start to feel as if you've got 'an itch you just can't scratch' that's the quincunx at work. No matter what's irking you, don't get into it... ignore it!

Hi Jonathan,
My friend tells me that astrology is out of step with the sky. She says that over 2,000 years of 'precession', the constellations have moved. Is that right?
Dear Marie,
The constellations do indeed move over time. That's precisely why we astrologers don't use them to define the zodiac. We use equal, unchanging divisions of the 'ecliptic' (or sun's apparent path) instead. Precession has been happening for far more than just a couple of thousand years. Though it is relatively new to modern astronomers, some guardians of ancient wisdom have long been aware of this phenomenon.


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