Monday, May 15, 2006

The Stars This Week
By Kelli Fox

Mercury into Gemini, Sun into Gemini
05/15/06 - 05/21/06

When fast-moving Mercury finds himself in equally speedy Gemini on the 19th, thinking before you speak could become quite a challenge. And when the Sun joins the Communication Planet in the sign of the twins on the 20th, get ready to take your pace of life up yet another notch. Make good use of this energy to accomplish important goals (but see what you can do about giving big decisions at least a few seconds of thought!).

May 19: Mercury into Gemini
It's time for ordinarily fleet-footed Mercury to shift gears -- after two weeks of precision, he's leaving meticulous Taurus for a sign that's far more suited to his taste: fast-moving Gemini. What could be more appropriate? Picture Mercury, with wings on his head and his heels. That means he thinks on his feet, which is going to be a lot easier (for the next two weeks, anyway) in his favorite sign. All that said, it might also be a good idea for you to take your time acting whenever possible, even though this planet-sign combination will be urging you to do just the opposite. Remind yourself to take a second or two to make a decision. That's not a lot to ask, right?

May 20: Sun into Gemini
The Sun has followed Mercury, his constant companion, into Gemini -- and boy, is it obvious, to one and all. Everyone is moving at warp speed nine, dashing around, talking a mile a minute and multitasking, whether they need to or not. Your mission -- and you really should try to accept it -- is to give in, move as quickly as you can and not waste a second, no matter what you're up to. You'll feel better if you get things done fast -- and think of everything you'll be able to accomplish! You might also help a slower-moving friend to pick up the pace a bit ... Couldn't hurt, right?

from I Village Astrology


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