Wednesday, April 26, 2006

From Jonathan Cainer:

It's the 'Dark of the Moon' once more. For the next few days the Moon will be in the same part of the zodiac as the sun so it won't be able to reflect any of its light. Dark nights make it easier for astronomers to see the dimmer and more distant objects that are usually 'drowned out' by the lunar glow. They also, traditionally, make it easier for mystics, psychics and visionaries to see a little further. Many clairvoyants and mediums say they get their most powerful insights around the time, each month, when the Moon is new.

The New Moon always takes place in the same sign as the Sun. The Sun, though, spends about 30 days in each sign - while New Moons take place every 28 days. This means we occasionally see two New moons in a row in the same sign. This year, Virgo gets the 'double.' There will be one New Moon in this sign at the end of August... and another near the end of September. Meanwhile, this week, as we approach a single New Moon in Taurus, we can expect tension and apprehension... giving way to a sense of great relief.

Recently, the papers were full of pictures of Noel Edmonds' hands, with strange little doodles drawn on them. Apparently, he has been practising a form of prayer (or positive thinking) called 'Cosmic Ordering'. We astrologers have another name for this. We call it 'Wishing On A Star'. You just have to be clear in your mind about what you hope the universe will help you get... and then make a humble, mental request. In my experience, it always works best if you pick an appropriate moment. There will, for example, be a New Moon later this week. If there's something you want to ask for... try making your wish on Thursday!



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