Intuitive Message for the Libra Full Moon:The Season of Resurrection
by Julia Bondi
The season of resurrection is upon us. The seeds of spring are beckoning us to move out of our winter cocoons into the fresh warming air of a budding earth. Nature is resurrecting her beauty and her bounty. Our major religions are preparing to celebrate their profound rituals of survival and resurrection. In the Eastern traditions this full moon begins a cycle of three special and significant spiritual moments of powerful possibility in the yearly lunar cycle.
This is the full moon festival of the risen Christ, the full moon of Aries/Libra. This ascent is the awakening of the Christ consciousness within our human hearts, the rising of pure love which leads us to the awareness of our universality as members of the spiritual family of humanity and the larger universe. This rising of the Christ consciousness is not the province of any religion or faith tradition. It is the deepest truth and gift of the waning Age of Pisces. Our initiation into the full power of love is purpose of this Piscean Age, its evolutionary message to guide us forward on the path of human evolution. This deep Libran knowing of love is the underlying impulse of the full moon of Aries/Libra and reveals to us the true Arian nature of the authentic humans we inherently are and are becoming as we evolve.
As human beings become self aware or conscious of ourselves then our awareness of us as independent creators becomes our center and our awareness of the others in our world and our relationship to them naturally expands. We come to know ourselves as both a creator and a created being. The greatest teaching of the Piscean evolution is deeply embedded in this full moon and it is to love thy God with thy whole heart and love thy neighbor as thyself. What does self awareness reveal? To know ourselves truly is to know ourselves at our core as divinely created and inspired beings whose continued consciousness and joy flows from loving God with our whole heart. That loving heart initiates us into a genuine love for ourselves as individuals created by God and reveals to us the other as an equally divine and loved creature of God. It was this teaching of the Piscean Age we have been told was all we needed to know and live by. The truth is simple and powerful as Aries instinctively knows.
In the darkest moments of human history the light is reborn, survives and is resurrected. These spring rituals remind us of that continuing truth. In our current lives, in the lives of our loved ones, in the life of our nation, in the life of our world it may seem like a time of painful darkness. This may be a time when we feel little or no love for ourselves, others or the world but the light is rising on the eastern horizon and the days and nights are equal showing us there is hope, balance and potential to turn to. The spring equinox, the religious and spiritual festivals of spring and the full moon of Aries/Libra are a moment to rise to new hope and action with a more loving and open heart. Aries can begin again and Libra can seize the ideal. Let us begin again now and every day this year knowing the true God of all is the God of love.
© 2006 Julia BondiAll rights reserved
Intuitive Message for the Libra Full Moon:The Season of Resurrection
by Julia Bondi
The season of resurrection is upon us. The seeds of spring are beckoning us to move out of our winter cocoons into the fresh warming air of a budding earth. Nature is resurrecting her beauty and her bounty. Our major religions are preparing to celebrate their profound rituals of survival and resurrection. In the Eastern traditions this full moon begins a cycle of three special and significant spiritual moments of powerful possibility in the yearly lunar cycle.
This is the full moon festival of the risen Christ, the full moon of Aries/Libra. This ascent is the awakening of the Christ consciousness within our human hearts, the rising of pure love which leads us to the awareness of our universality as members of the spiritual family of humanity and the larger universe. This rising of the Christ consciousness is not the province of any religion or faith tradition. It is the deepest truth and gift of the waning Age of Pisces. Our initiation into the full power of love is purpose of this Piscean Age, its evolutionary message to guide us forward on the path of human evolution. This deep Libran knowing of love is the underlying impulse of the full moon of Aries/Libra and reveals to us the true Arian nature of the authentic humans we inherently are and are becoming as we evolve.
As human beings become self aware or conscious of ourselves then our awareness of us as independent creators becomes our center and our awareness of the others in our world and our relationship to them naturally expands. We come to know ourselves as both a creator and a created being. The greatest teaching of the Piscean evolution is deeply embedded in this full moon and it is to love thy God with thy whole heart and love thy neighbor as thyself. What does self awareness reveal? To know ourselves truly is to know ourselves at our core as divinely created and inspired beings whose continued consciousness and joy flows from loving God with our whole heart. That loving heart initiates us into a genuine love for ourselves as individuals created by God and reveals to us the other as an equally divine and loved creature of God. It was this teaching of the Piscean Age we have been told was all we needed to know and live by. The truth is simple and powerful as Aries instinctively knows.
In the darkest moments of human history the light is reborn, survives and is resurrected. These spring rituals remind us of that continuing truth. In our current lives, in the lives of our loved ones, in the life of our nation, in the life of our world it may seem like a time of painful darkness. This may be a time when we feel little or no love for ourselves, others or the world but the light is rising on the eastern horizon and the days and nights are equal showing us there is hope, balance and potential to turn to. The spring equinox, the religious and spiritual festivals of spring and the full moon of Aries/Libra are a moment to rise to new hope and action with a more loving and open heart. Aries can begin again and Libra can seize the ideal. Let us begin again now and every day this year knowing the true God of all is the God of love.
© 2006 Julia BondiAll rights reserved
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