Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Source, From Kelli Fox and I-Village:

Don't Mess with Mercury
But do try new, compassionate modes of communication!It's a veritable astrology course of a week, starting with the emotional new Moon on the 27th. On the 28th, Mercury squares Pluto and sextiles Venus, and Mars sextiles Saturn, which should make for an intensely productive day. The Sun's conjunction to Uranus on the 1st will foster compassion -- and you'll need it, because Mercury turns retrograde on the 2nd. And if that's not enough, Venus moves into shocking Aquarius on the 5th. For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on The Stars This Week.

March 1: Sun conjunct Uranus
The Sun is in sensitive, intuitive Pisces at the moment, asking us all to be compassionate, thoughtful and especially kind to everyone we encounter -- whether an old, dear friend or just someone we've spotted by the side of the road who needs help changing a tire. And speaking of running into someone who needs help, those situations -- the entirely unexpected kinds that test your humanity -- will be the name of the game now, thanks to Uranus, the king of surprises and last-minute change. Of course, you'll be amply rewarded in the form of at least one fun, interesting person you'd never have crossed paths with otherwise. You may even end up with a new friend. If it stresses you out when things don't go as planned, however, it might be time to break out the chamomile tea. In fact, carry a thermos.

March 2: Mercury Stationary Retrograde
Mercury has always been known as the messenger of the gods, meaning that he's in charge of our communication with each other -- and with our environment. Today, however, he's about to start a three-week vacation, otherwise known as Mercury retrograde. Three times a year, the messenger quite literally turns his back on us. And without his guidance, keeping track of meetings, appointments, directions and the care and maintenance of communication- and transportation-related devices ... well, it becomes a bit more 'challenging,' shall we say. Basically, it's time to troubleshoot. Double-check your list before you leave the house, and never, ever expect to make it where you're going at the time and/or via the path you'd expected. It's okay. These three weeks never fail to give each of us a pack of interesting stories.

March 5: Venus into Aquarius
After just about two months of strolling in most dignified fashion through responsible, respectable Capricorn, lovely lady Venus is in the mood for a change -- and what a change it will be! Today, she'll take off for startling Aquarius, the sign that most loves to shock and amaze the masses -- in any way possible. Since Venus is in charge of love, relationships, money and possessions, several scenarios are possible. First off, we'll all be tempted to bring someone home we know our families will hate on sight, simply because they're totally unlike our typical suitors. Spending money on something we had to ask the salesperson to identify could be on that list too, along with the urge to toss out every piece of conservative clothing in our closets. Think of it as being possessed -- and try not to do anything permanent to your hair. This, too, shall pass.

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