Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Monthly Forecast for MARCH 2006 by Yasmin Boland

As they say ? never mind the past, here come the eclipses!
Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo on March 14 at 11.47pm GMT. Venus meets Chiron now so if you need love healing, force yourself to face up to the facts you?ve been trying to ignore.
New Moon Eclipse in Aries on March 29 at 10.11am GMT. A lot of what happens now depends on what has happened so far. If things haven?t gone quite your way, there?s a good chance you?ll have the opportunity to talk your way into or out of a situation.
The New Moon eclipse won?t be visible from England, Australia or the US. The Full Moon eclipse will be visible from parts of Europe. For more info about where you can see what
Also, Mercury is retrograde from March 2 to March 25. See your forecast for what that means for you sign.
For us all, the stand out Power Days of the month promise to be:
March 1 ? a day for achievements... March 3 ? If we snoop, we?ll be sorry... March 5 ? Venus into Aquarius (love gets lighter and Air/Fire signs get a romantic boost)... March 12 ? arguably the angriest day of the month (for everyone)! March 14 ? eclipse day and a great day to kiss and make up... March 20 ? take care if you?re the jealous type... March 26 ? tr賠romantique. 29 March ? eclipse! MARCH IS A MONTH TO...
Re-read it, re-say it, re-think it (Mercury is retrograde) ... embrace change, as the eclipse helps us jump into our future ? carefully discern between fantasy and reality.
Have a good one!
Week Ahead: This week, I'd like to talk to you about next week! A couple of powerful changes are coming up. If you understand how the climate is likely to alter, you can make the most of how things currently are. Mercury, the communication planet, is about to go through one - a 'reverse' phase. This happens for two or three weeks at a time, two or three times a year. When it does, letters often go astray, transportation arrangements get delayed, negotiations develop difficulties and misunderstandings occur. If you've got something you want to say, settle or sort out… do it now while the cosmic coast is clear. Jupiter also 'changes direction' next week and continues to move apparently backwards till July. Jupiter governs grand plans, great adventures and high aspirations. If you are nurturing a special hope, make at least some small, symbolic gesture of commitment to this now, while you still feel quite clear about what you want to achieve.
source: sorry folks can't recall, could be Kelli Fox


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