Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Today's planets

i've been studying astrology since 1995; during which time i've also gone back to University to obtain a 2nd major, this time in psychology to augment my sociology obtained back in 1990

what can all of this education do for me?...for you?

let's see

first i'll point you novices to some great astrological references available on the web, astrologers i admire for their accuracy, insight and creative vision (Kelli Fox from Australia, then there's Jonathan Cainer and Bridgett Walther from the UK and from the States there's Susan Miller...so many!)

you see, astrology is not about determinism, fatalism, or even prophecy, it's about guiding us to utilize the energy surrounding us and within us to our utmost potential, to fully realize our own selves

until i get this blog up and running with appropriate links here's a short piece on the Sun in Pisces posted on Kelli Fox's site, this transit just started as of the 19th of February

** All About Pisces
Pisces can be a bit of a mystery -- a delightful, unsolvable riddle that never fails to keep us guessing. Those born under this sign enjoy a magical ability to fit into any situation easily, to mix and mingle with all kinds of people and then retreat to the sidelines whenever they feel the urge. In fact, those who spend much time with them might wonder if Pisceans are actually capable of shape-shifting and mind reading. The Fish also possess uncanny intuition -- which is no surprise, with Neptune, the mistress of altered states, as their planetary ruler. Neptune's specialty is dissolving boundaries, and she's shared that gift with the Piscean crowd. These folks can get lost in a movie, a magical moment or a fantasy, leaving the harshness of reality behind whenever the need arises.
As all you Fish out there can attest, Pisces is also the most emotional of the signs. Since there are no boundaries between you and the world around you, you often feel everything -- absolutely everything. Differentiating between what you feel and what someone else is feeling, especially someone you care about, is your greatest challenge. You likely learned early on to 'escape' in one way or another and can become a regular Houdini when you need to be. Just be sure you're not gone too long when you take your much-needed vacations from the world. We're all happier when you're here with us -- so do hurry back!
When it comes to relationships, if Pisces is involved, Pisces is involved. Period. No two ways about it. These folks will literally fire walk for their dear ones -- and would try walking on water for them, too, if they thought they could manage it. Pisceans are better at long-term relationships than a lot of us, and much, much better at keeping the romance alive with little things: hand delivering a single red rose, ordering one dessert with two spoons and never, ever forgetting a special occasion. The main romantic challenge for this sign is to learn that putting a special someone on a pedestal can mean only one thing: They've got to come down eventually. So stand next to your partner proudly, Pisces, and love them because of, not in spite of, their faults. And never go against your instincts. They will never lead you astray.
Learn more about intuitive, devoted Pisces, or look into any other sign at our Sun Sign Central.
Not a Pisces? Look beyond your Sun sign and find out where the Fish might appear in your own birth chart with a free sample Astro Identity Reading.
Promises, Promises
It's an ideal week to make some!
Two heavenly occurrences are teaming up to ensure that this is a week for intuitive, kind interactions with those around us. As Mercury sextiles Venus on the 23rd, every word you utter will have the desired loving effect - and promises made now are sure to be kept. The Moon conjuncts Neptune on the 26th, which will leave us all tuned in to one another as emotional receptivity -- and possible psychic activity! -- rule the day. For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on
The Stars This Week .

LUNATIONS and Astro Weather for FEBRUARY 2006
February's Full Moon in Leo arrives on the 12th. On the 27th, a New Moon in Pisces winds down the month. Venus goes direct on the 3rd, and Mercury enters Pisces on the 8th. The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th, and Mars enters Gemini on the 17th. Saturn remains retrograde.

Other Links of Interest



Since Pisces rules dreams amongst other things:



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