Sorry, folks no time to day to get alot here, please refer to this from Astronet.com, very excellent source along with the others i provided yesterday...i'll eventually post great references for daily, weekly and monthly reads as well as great sites to get your own free natal chart done (will only require your date, place and time of birth) Check Astro.com (sorry no time for fancy links right now)
a bientot mes amis, i'm off to Collingwood to teach skiing for the w.e. with quite a bit of back and forth travel too!
Godspeed y'all!
Daily Cosmic Calendar
Lights! Cameras! Action! Vesta makes her special guest appearance before humanity by stopping at 8 degrees of Cancer and making a direct station (4:10AM PST). As I have been sharing in this calendar for several days now, wisdom suggests that you run investment schemes by one, two or more business experts who have sterling reputations. Of course, your own intuition and perhaps a loved one's gut feelings are crucial to consider as well (since this station is in the sign of Cancer, a very mediumistic and psychic area of the zodiac). It's also an excellent time to spruce up your kitchen and the entire residential environment. While you are juggling all these realities, get back in touch with anyone you feel is a true sister in your life -- blood-tie or not. Helping you stay mentally and emotionally balanced is a wonderful Mercury-Venus sextile from Pisces to Capricorn (2:18PM PST). This also doubles as a golden opportunity to come up with award-winning literary, artistic and musical ideas that may lead to lucrative paydays down the road. The Moon entering Capricorn (12:17AM PST) suggests that you rethink and tweak career plans before they are set in stone. Steer clear of a lover's quarrel around 9:35PM PST as Juno in Gemini moves 150 degrees to Jupiter in Scorpio. The ancient goddess Juno and ancient god Jupiter ruled over the Roman Empire and temples were built in their honor. The only problem was that this apparently married couple had a terrible track record in terms of their fidelity -- particularly and overwhelmingly due to Jupiter's unfaithfulness. Nevertheless, as Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung would have agreed in the last century, their mythological relationship is still potent in the subconscious and collective unconscious of individuals and humanity as a whole. The moral of this story for tonight is to keep your fingers crossed that you don't upset a significant other with an ill-conceived remark, foolish act or condescending attitude.
Copyright, 2006 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.Contact Mark Lerner.
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