From Mooncircles:
Pisces New Moon Blessing:One With Everything
By Dana Gerhardt
At this Pisces New Moon, let’s recall Swami Beyondananda’s prayer to the hot dog vendor: "Make me one with everything."
"You know that thing that was on top of the thing?" This is how my son often talks. He’s a teenager and he’s got Mercury in Pisces, which means I’ve often got swirling cartoon clouds above my head wondering what he just said. When he was younger, he was more the Pisces oracle. Once while driving him to second grade he announced, "There is no end to the world." Ah. I was momentarily relieved of my fears of a nuclear holocaust and global warming, or supernovas of the sun and asteroid collisions. "What I mean is, there’s no edge you can fall off of." Oh. I considered all the looming disasters in my adult mind. A child molester working the streets where my son rode his scooter. A crazed gunman approaching the stairs of my workplace. Becoming a bag lady when social security disappears. "What I mean is, you just keep walking, the earth goes on and on." Oh, the world is round! That was a happy thought. And suddenly at our usual stoplight, I had a Pisces moment. I noticed the sky was blue and the sun was shining. I felt dreamy and blessed. I felt the world was filled with love and I was One with everything.
Pisces stirs both faith and fears. It drifts, is absorbent, sympathetic, sacrificing; also evasive and imaginative. It can take us into transcendence or confusion. It can make us poets or simply delusional. At this New Moon, Pisces is the celestial clay given for each of us to shape. We can remain blobs of confusion, or we can re-imagine our world. With Uranus conjunct the Sun and Moon, we’re especially encouraged to shake things up. Uranus brings change. Even the bravest client may shiver when an astrologer says "changes" are on the way. But change is a natural part of life. And the expectation of change is appropriate this month, just weeks away from Spring. In Spring you will be stirred to leap forward, to act on your innermost desires—maybe try the thrill of hang-gliding, or make that push for a higher paying job, or finally end a toxic relationship. Whatever you desire to do, remember there’s a proper order to things. The necessity this month is to calm your spirit, see your dream, and raise your faith.
Pisces is also a porous and vulnerable sign. This cycle unexpected events may overwhelm you. Negative people can confuse you. Anxiety can drain precious energy and produce nothing useful in return. Haste now might bring carelessness or wasted effort. Addictions can grow in power. You can let yourself be drawn into all this psychic negativity, but why? With grace, beauty, and a quiet joy, Pisces teaches there’s great strength in serenity. When you stay calm, you stay in control. When you’re calm, you’re more creative. When you’re calm, you realize the challenges ahead are probably much less dire than the imaginative ones you fear. When you’re calm, you understand the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
This New Moon is a perfect time to open to celestial possibilities. One night this week, approach the sky with your most mystical self. Forget how astronomers have named the stars or astrologers have interpreted the planets. Simply enter the night and see if there is a twinkling light—a star or planet--that catches your notice. Settle your mind and ask: "Do you have a message for me?" The answer may come in words. Or it may not. It may come as a feeling, a sensation, a new conviction. It may come immediately or hours later. Your work is simply to be receptive and reverent. Thank the sky by agreeing to bring this message into your world—through a new decision or action, a changed perspective, an inspiration you share with another. You may even want to name your star and commune with it throughout the month.
And who said the universe doesn’t have a sense of humor? It’s tax time. As many of us gather receipts and stare at columns of numbers, trickster Mercury will be retrograde (from March 3 to March 25). Beware of errors, signatures you forget to sign, envelopes you forget to stamp. Mercury’s retrograde means it’s dream time for your alert and very hard-working left brain. Your rational mind needs a little vacation. Everyone’s does. That’s why appointments will be missed, communications will misfire, and Mercury’s co-conspirators, machinery, will break down. Through it all, keep your good humor and realize that yes, you are One with everything!
© 2006 Dana GerhardtAll rights reserved
Pisces New Moon Blessing:One With Everything
By Dana Gerhardt
At this Pisces New Moon, let’s recall Swami Beyondananda’s prayer to the hot dog vendor: "Make me one with everything."
"You know that thing that was on top of the thing?" This is how my son often talks. He’s a teenager and he’s got Mercury in Pisces, which means I’ve often got swirling cartoon clouds above my head wondering what he just said. When he was younger, he was more the Pisces oracle. Once while driving him to second grade he announced, "There is no end to the world." Ah. I was momentarily relieved of my fears of a nuclear holocaust and global warming, or supernovas of the sun and asteroid collisions. "What I mean is, there’s no edge you can fall off of." Oh. I considered all the looming disasters in my adult mind. A child molester working the streets where my son rode his scooter. A crazed gunman approaching the stairs of my workplace. Becoming a bag lady when social security disappears. "What I mean is, you just keep walking, the earth goes on and on." Oh, the world is round! That was a happy thought. And suddenly at our usual stoplight, I had a Pisces moment. I noticed the sky was blue and the sun was shining. I felt dreamy and blessed. I felt the world was filled with love and I was One with everything.
Pisces stirs both faith and fears. It drifts, is absorbent, sympathetic, sacrificing; also evasive and imaginative. It can take us into transcendence or confusion. It can make us poets or simply delusional. At this New Moon, Pisces is the celestial clay given for each of us to shape. We can remain blobs of confusion, or we can re-imagine our world. With Uranus conjunct the Sun and Moon, we’re especially encouraged to shake things up. Uranus brings change. Even the bravest client may shiver when an astrologer says "changes" are on the way. But change is a natural part of life. And the expectation of change is appropriate this month, just weeks away from Spring. In Spring you will be stirred to leap forward, to act on your innermost desires—maybe try the thrill of hang-gliding, or make that push for a higher paying job, or finally end a toxic relationship. Whatever you desire to do, remember there’s a proper order to things. The necessity this month is to calm your spirit, see your dream, and raise your faith.
Pisces is also a porous and vulnerable sign. This cycle unexpected events may overwhelm you. Negative people can confuse you. Anxiety can drain precious energy and produce nothing useful in return. Haste now might bring carelessness or wasted effort. Addictions can grow in power. You can let yourself be drawn into all this psychic negativity, but why? With grace, beauty, and a quiet joy, Pisces teaches there’s great strength in serenity. When you stay calm, you stay in control. When you’re calm, you’re more creative. When you’re calm, you realize the challenges ahead are probably much less dire than the imaginative ones you fear. When you’re calm, you understand the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
This New Moon is a perfect time to open to celestial possibilities. One night this week, approach the sky with your most mystical self. Forget how astronomers have named the stars or astrologers have interpreted the planets. Simply enter the night and see if there is a twinkling light—a star or planet--that catches your notice. Settle your mind and ask: "Do you have a message for me?" The answer may come in words. Or it may not. It may come as a feeling, a sensation, a new conviction. It may come immediately or hours later. Your work is simply to be receptive and reverent. Thank the sky by agreeing to bring this message into your world—through a new decision or action, a changed perspective, an inspiration you share with another. You may even want to name your star and commune with it throughout the month.
And who said the universe doesn’t have a sense of humor? It’s tax time. As many of us gather receipts and stare at columns of numbers, trickster Mercury will be retrograde (from March 3 to March 25). Beware of errors, signatures you forget to sign, envelopes you forget to stamp. Mercury’s retrograde means it’s dream time for your alert and very hard-working left brain. Your rational mind needs a little vacation. Everyone’s does. That’s why appointments will be missed, communications will misfire, and Mercury’s co-conspirators, machinery, will break down. Through it all, keep your good humor and realize that yes, you are One with everything!
© 2006 Dana GerhardtAll rights reserved
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