Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Correction, Actually, it's Six Years to 2012 Solstice. Eric says he "counted on his fingers" and still got it wrong. We apologize for the inconvenience.

SOL AND LUNA are now in Sagittarius, and we're very nearly at the Capricorn solstice. This is a natural turning point in the cycle of the seasons and in our lives and, unfortunately, for many people the pressure is on. The origins are every bit as much cosmic as they are social, as the Sun aligns with the Galactic Core, Pluto happens to be right there, and this all coincides with the end of the lunar cycle and an extreme peak of the solar cycle.
Sagittarius New Moon

This is indeed a special time in the year, and in the history of the times we are living in. We are now under the full influence of Pluto conjunct the Galactic Core, which is being activated by a New Moon and the Solstice. What we have, in effect, an echo from the future involving this elusive thing called 2012, because the alignments that are taking place now occur in precisely this section of the sky with stunning exactitude. The solstice this week also marks six years to the day to the winter solstice of 2012, the end of a 1.8 million day day-count, or 5,125 year cycle, in the Mayan calendar.

Many people have been considering the approach of winter solstice 2012 since the Harmonic Convergence of August 16, 1987, the first time most people heard the "Mayan factor" mentioned. This is viewed many ways, but it seems to be a moment of a quantum leap of awareness on the (seemingly different) levels of personal development and the destiny of the world. Indeed, if I were to spell out the various factors involved, it would sound like trashy sci-fi -- but that's what happens when enough people don't read the good stuff.

Six years is one of those magic numbers, for lack of a better term, and no matter what astrology you use, a great deal will have changed by then. The next six years make the last six look like the rehearsal for the school play, as all the outer planets change signs and several (including Uranus and Pluto) contact the Aries Point, provoking or symbolizing many global changes.

This week's Capricorn solstice begins a kind of countdown. Just prior to this occurring, however, the Sun and Moon form a conjunction that's exact at 9 am New York time Wednesday, Dec. 20. That is 2 pm in the UK and 3 pm European time, and 1 am Thursday, Dec. 21 in Sydney. Here is a worldwide time list for the event.

Here is one version of the chart, set for Brussels. Imagine Eris (formerly called Xena or 2003 UB 313) positioned at just a shade over 20 Aries, basically trine Mercury (Mercury is applying to Eris). Here's a listing of about 75 planets of various species (note, there are several ways to display the list, fiddle around for a fascinating little trip).

The New Moon occurs in what some astrologers call the "anaretic degree." This has various definitions, but generally these days means either the last, or next to last, degree of a sign, in this case, Sagittarius. Anaretic in this usage pertains not so much to literal death but rather to transformational process. This seems to be a kind of hot spot in most charts, when it occurs, representing an intense area of growth. If you read charts you may notice that planets falling very late in a sign tend to collect energy, attention, focus and in some ways run the whole chart. This is one of several factors that points to a "you must learn this" message, as if the person or event represents the final exams at the end of a long cycle of experience. In some ways planets placed here work a little like Chiron, indicating a seeming debility or difficulty that then collects strength, mastery and intensity.

We are now having a lot of New Moon events in or around this degree of signs, though the current event is somewhat emphasized due to the 2012 factor, the presence of Pluto, the Galactic Core and the imminent change of season. The feeling is that of the whole cosmos teetering on a brink. But it's an internal one, a kind of fulcrum moment of growth and personal maturity. One of the things we learn as we become adults is discernment. That is the ability to tell things apart.

We have a lot to learn when it comes to figuring out what, including what attitudes toward life, help or hinder us. This discernment factor is one of the most important ones that distinguishes an autonomous, self-actualized human being. We tend to think we're making our own decisions, only to be pushed around by doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs. So much focus on late Sagittarius is doing a lot more than suggesting that we learn to make up our own minds, be aware of our emotional and physical environments, and know what we're eating. To put it simply, part of discernment is knowing what's bothering us.

And also knowing what we want. Maturity calls for patience, yet it also calls for persistence about what we know are our most important goals, independent of any current commitments. The Core reminds us to live our truth -- now. We are taught, again and again, that we will live our truth in the future. Naturally, we may never get there. Yet if we ask, "How can I live my truth now?" we may discover a surprising answer. If, that is, we ask.

The Galactic Core's message is also about noticing how we are bossed around by our prejudices. One of my university professors, Dr. Robert Knox Dentan, began his anthropology class by informing us that 99% of what we know is wrong. He started with back and white. You're not white and that guy next to you is not black. You're kind of pinkish and he's kind of brownish. This chalk is white. This chalkboard is dark gray. And so on -- for an entire semester of having our prejudices, half-truths, feeble beliefs and half-baked notions about life dismantled.

Pluto cometh. The Galactic Core cometh. Get ready.

If you are born during late Sagittarius, you are experiencing an aspect called Pluto conjunct the Sun. For birthdays going back to Dec. 15, it works [something] like this. Those born the 15th or 16th experienced this transit between late 2005 and 2006. Those born the 17th and 18th are currently experiencing it in 2006. Those born the 19th through the 21st are experiencing it from late 2006 through early 2008. The dates slide around a little (one day, give or take) due to leap years and based on how old you are. But for our purposes, all birthdays at the end of Sagittarius are experiencing this now.

Pluto conjunct the Sun is one of the most compelling transits, and it does not happen to everyone. Indeed, it only happens to about one-third of all people alive at any given time, because Pluto takes about three human lifetimes to orbit the Sun once. Pluto is currently moving at about its fastest (taking approximately 13 years to move one sign, vs. about 20 years at the slowest), so a few more people these days are experiencing it than before. If your birthday falls in this date range, you are one of them.

This is a transit of what we may politely call "profound transformation." On either side of any half-decent Pluto transit, life is barely comparable or even recognizable. Pluto making an aspect to a planet besides the Sun can create this effect. But the Sun, as the center of the chart and the main vehicle of the personality in our life on Earth, responds on rather deep levels to transits of Pluto, and often with excellent results. It is change from the inside out, though what transforms often does more to subtract or burn off all that gets in the way of true self-expression rather than creating something new.

Metaphors for Pluto transits are things like separating the grain from the chaff; boiling off a broth to get a concentrated reduction; the Phoenix rising from the ashes; a caterpillar turning into a butterfly; Casanova coming out of the closet and becoming a Queer activist; Bozo the Clown being cast as the next 007. You get the idea, right?

Now, this kind of transformation holds true under all circumstances where a Pluto transit is involved. But Pluto transits are not always well understood by astrologers, some of whom still tend to be a little doom and gloomy about them, preaching the gospel of crisis. In fact, if I were opening a bootcamp for astrologers, I would start with how not to fuck up an interpretation of a Pluto transit. There is really only one time I worry about clients undergoing this kind of event: when they just don't get it. When they cling like mad to what was, or what they want to be, even as what is and what will be are rushing upon them like the cosmic torrent that they are.

I worry when I say, "Okay this is big" and they say, "Yes, I'm getting a new rug in the living room." This does not happen often.

Since you're born with your Sun close to, or exactly conjunct, the Galactic Core, you are accustomed to a lifetime of intensity. Pluto is a chilly little gumball compared to the supermassive black hole that your natal Sun is conjunct every day of your life. There is little you can take for granted, even on a really good day -- but I would guess you wouldn't trade that for the world, because you know your awareness is tuned to something rather odd, different and extremely special. So special, indeed, that it's difficult to do something with.

The Galactic Core has a timeless quality. Located 26,000 light years away from the Earth, its light is ancient light and its message a distant one. Whatever is happening today in the Galactic Core, that light will reach the Earth in tens of thousands of years. As I have said before, imagine a place where there is no darkness because the stars are so concentrated they blaze like daylight at midnight. Imagine many worlds where gravity slows time down to a near halt, and where life is experienced like a slow animation where every thought, idea and emotion is experienced at full intensity, for long enough to actually consider and feel -- vastly different than the fleeting patterns and cross-hatched mental whims we experience here, in our the distant corner of the galaxy.

Pluto will localize, focus and make immediate the message of the Core; call your attention to the long, long process of living out this natal alignment, giving it shape and form as something that compels you to act now, because you need to do so. Pluto is like placing a lens over the Galactic Core, and one where the beam of light is directly pointed at you. This promises not only a new level of understanding, and not only the courage to act, but the gift of that action being inevitable. In essence, the choices that you have wanted to make for so long finally become imminent. I trust that you know what they are -- and that by the end of this year, you may decide that 99% of what you knew was wrong. Once you figure out what it is, that one percent will count for a lot.

From Eric Francis - Planet Waves

Friday, December 15, 2006

Inner Space
December 2006

Introducing the Planet Waves 2007 Almanac | What's behind the Spiral Door?
Though it may seem difficult to believe, 2006 was a year of rest and relaxation in contrast to what adventures await us in 2007. We enter December with the first waves of energy: many planets are now in Sagittarius, indeed, most planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and Pluto), and Pluto is headed straight for its first conjunction with the Galactic Core in nearly three centuries. This is the astrology that says the world is our home, if anyplace is home. And when the world is home, it's not far from the cosmos itself being the place we have journeyed long to visit, and where we seek that strange blend of comfort and freedom.

Planet Waves

Planet Waves Homespace

Also, to recap your 2006 lessons
Parallel Worlds

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Last month, we had five celestial bodies in Scorpio. This week, briefly, we see the same five in Sagittarius. Venus, though, soon moves on into Capricorn, bringing much-needed reasons to celebrate for all born under the sign of the sea-goat. It's already been a lively month and it is about to get even more exciting. For some, this means tension. For others, it means adventure. For those who simply want a quiet life, it means there's not much chance of peace. Even in comparatively quiet situations, the influence of all those heavenly objects in the part of the sky that governs philosophy implies some deep moral dilemmas to wrestle with!
Jonathan Cainer

**Please do get in touch if you would like a free astrological profile and the insights of a longtime student of astrology**

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Triple conjunction
A rare and glorious triple conjunction takes place this weekend. You can see it if only you can get up while it is still dark! Look east, towards the spot where you'd be expecting the Sun to rise. You'll see Mercury and Jupiter delightfully close, low on the horizon. Mars is fainter but it is there too. The three form an 'arrowhead' at the base of the sky. The alignment peaks on Sunday - but Friday, Saturday and Monday mornings will also provide rewarding viewing. This classic 'auspicious omen' suggests good news for all of us, one way or another.
From now until December 16, low in the the eastern sky, near the horizon at dawn, Mercury Mars and Jupiter form a rare triple conjunction.This picture from Sky and Telescope shows what you can expect to see this weekend. For more details click here. And for a fascinating animated view of the progress of these planets, visit astroplantet.org astroplanet.org

Daily Cosmic Calendar

You may seem to have the world on a string, but don't lose your balance. As mentioned in yesterday's calendar entry, the Moon is strong in its natural abode of water Cancer. This is fantastic for antique hunts, experimenting with old-fashioned recipes and baking delights that will thrill family members. However, a long void lunar cycle that began yesterday will continue for the entire day and only end at 3:53AM PST tomorrow. While the Moon is in this potentially compromising position, it is wise to hedge your bets in the financial realm and focus your gaze on completing odds and ends. Romance is also on thin ice due to an abrasive 45-degree link between Mars and Juno (2:45PM PST) happening just a few hours prior to the annual Venus-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius (7:51PM PST). Anytime Venus unites with Pluto, there can be fireworks in love bonds and mysterious gyrations in business affairs. Being too pushy, manipulative or controlling will boomerang with nasty results. The more good humor and friendly vibrations you can conjure up right now, the better. After more than two months confined in Scorpio, Mercury breaks out of its fetters and enters Sagittarius (9:53PM PST). Mercury in this sign can be a great boost for your educational, literary and publishing plans, but you are advised to make those leaps forward tomorrow rather than tonight.
Copyright, 2006 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.Contact Mark Lerner .


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Astro Alert for Dec.05.06 from Astrology.com
Saturn turning retrograde @ 25:04 Leo

Saturn is often considered the taskmaster planet. And when it goes retrograde? Well, there're no two ways about it: Issues of authority come to the fore, and a conservative attitude toward responsibilities creeps into even the most free-spirited souls. Whether consciously or not, you will probably experience the effects of Saturn's retrograde -- which will last until April 19, 2007 -- as a time to reflect on past decisions and learn from your mistakes ... and definitely not a time to charge easily toward your goals.

That said, Saturn's energy, which rules issues of control and organization, lends itself well to making sound judgment calls as well as wise investments, if both sense and sensibility are properly utilized. Astrology.com has the perfect preparation kit: A unique Super Bundle of ten full-length readings to ease you into 2007 and help you make the most of potentially life-changing opportunities and events that might otherwise have passed you by. Best of all, we're offering all ten readings for one very low price -- just $29.95!

The readings in this Super Bundle have tremendous power and value, and the interpretations can be applied to your job, your romantic relationships, or your interactions and attitude in general. Highlights include an in-depth Destiny Reading, which will give you a whole new outlook on your life and your destined karmic path; the Career Path Reading, which sheds light on whether your current occupation is the right one for you or if you should you be heading in another direction entirely; and the Revelations Reading, for taking control of everyday decision-making and putting your skills and talents to optimal use. There's also a personalized one-month astrology forecast -- find out what the first month of 2007 has in store with this detailed day-by-day reading!

Saturn turning retrograde puts a challenging spin on achieving success, but the planet also rules issues of leadership, making this the ideal time to establish your own boundaries, strive for self-improvement and unleash your creativity on the world. Furthermore, when your goals have been met, you'll be that much more satisfied at having cleared this astrological stumbling block! On the way, you'll also have learned a lot about yourself and clarified your perspective.

Our Super Bundle is an invaluable tool in ensuring your dreams become reality. Don't let this offer pass you by -- 2007 holds bright prospects you can't afford to miss!



Monday, December 04, 2006

Precession of the equinoxes
An ancient machine for measuring planetary positions proves Greek technology was far more advanced than experts realised. Hipparchus, who is being linked to this device, famously noticed that while planets move swiftly, the stars move too, slowly over centuries. Once they understood this, many stargazers started measuring the zodiac differently; employing a system that would never change. With jawdroppping irony, some modern astronomers now try to discredit astrology by saying, 'Look! Those silly astrologers don't even know the stars have shifted since the olden days.' Er... yes we do. Thanks to Hipparchus, we saw it coming 2,000 years ago.
from Jonathan Cainer on bubble.com
See Also
2000 year old computer

Banking on Astrology
When it comes to business and finance, astrology has proven time and again to be a useful tool. Financial tycoon J.P. Morgan once quipped, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do." In fact, many top corporations hire astrologers to determine the most auspicious time for buying and selling major holdings, launching new products, and other significant activities. Most prefer to do so in secret, though, billing the service as generic "consulting." Business and financial astrologers even have their own professional trade association! If J.P. Morgan built a banking empire with the help of astrology, what can it do for you?
From AstroCenter.com

Friday, December 01, 2006

It was a tough week, i know!

here's what Amanda Owen had to say about it

The Stars This Week
by Amanda Owen

Take a Break and Regroup 11/27/06 - 12/03/06

Three squares this week gives you three opportunities to stop at the stop sign. Rather than trying to open doors that are not ready to open, why not take a breather, put your feet up and think through alternative ways of getting what you want. Mercury, now direct, squares Neptune yet again on November 28 giving you time to think through what is realistic and what is fantasy. The square between action-oriented Mars and responsible Saturn on the same day gives you a reality check. And then, the Sun squares Uranus December 2, showing you where changes need to occur.

November 28: Mercury squares Neptune
When Mercury turned direct on November 17, it started heading once again to the square with Neptune. This continues to be a time when pinning down anything can feel like trying to hold water with your fingers! Do yourself a favor and use this time to listen to what is being said. Are you blocking out something you would benefit by knowing? Take off your rose-colored glasses so you can see what's really going on. Pay attention to the details and you'll be fine.
November 28: Mars squares Saturn
Sometimes the answer is just 'no.' This square marks a time where what you want to do meets the rules of the world or a person in a position of authority making it necessary to seek alternatives. Something needs to be taken into account before you can proceed. Don't push since delays may ultimately be helpful to you. Hard work is a keyword for this transit. Just because things don't come easily is not a reason to give up. Keep your eye on the ball; stop and regroup as necessary. You'll see more forward movement at the end of the week.

December 2: Sun squares Uranus
Are you feeling restless, like some changes in your life would not be such a bad thing? As the freedom-oriented Sun in Sagittarius meets Uranus, the planet of independence, it's time for you to shake things up. Get out of your old routines; meet new people; check out a movie you wouldn't ordinarily see; call someone you haven't spoken to in awhile. You get the idea. Don't suppress your naturally healthy desire for change. It will lead you in new interesting directions.

Here's what Mark Lerner advises for today, Fri Dec 1.06
Daily Cosmic Calendar

Emulate the tortoise over the hare right now as the Moon swings into a void-of-course cycle from 10:42AM PST until 5:27PM PST (when the Moon arrives in earthy Taurus). Finish old business or run minor errands during this 7-hour twilight zone, but don't launch bold ventures. The hours before 10:42AM PST look promising and productive. The big news of the day concerns one of the more subtle aspects in astrology - what is known as a septile or dividing the zodiacal circle by the number 7. The two outermost planets - Neptune in Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius - form one of these alignments which puts them approximately 51 degrees apart in the zodiac. What is their cosmic message? Follow your spiritual path, meditate for clarity and peace of mind, and immerse yourself in the fields of psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. This is also a good day to understand the interplay between world religious movements (Neptune) and the political realm (Pluto). After 5:27PM PST, the Moon in Taurus encourages a forward advance on the financial and fitness fronts. Be more generous with hugs and kisses tonight - particularly as the Sun in Sagittarius forges a stimulating 72-degree link with Ceres in Aquarius (9:12PM PST). Nurture children and maternal figures in your family circle. Board, card and word games get the nod this evening in synchronicity with a supportive sextile between Mercury in Scorpio and Pallas in Capricorn (11:03PM PST). Copyright, 2006 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.Contact Mark Lerner.

Prepare for Monday's full moon in Gemini as she opposes the sun in Sagittarius

more insights:
Please check Bridgett Walther's site for your weekend heads-up http://www.bridgettwalther.com/
and Jonathan Cainer's site for wisdom nuggets http://www.cainer.com/
Also, Eric Francis on PlanetWaves for monthly readingshttp://planetwaves.net/

more reading also available on these astrologers site;
Rob Brezsnyhttp://www.freewillastrology.com/
Penny Thorntonhttp://www.astrolutely.com/index.php