Friday, December 15, 2006

Inner Space
December 2006

Introducing the Planet Waves 2007 Almanac | What's behind the Spiral Door?
Though it may seem difficult to believe, 2006 was a year of rest and relaxation in contrast to what adventures await us in 2007. We enter December with the first waves of energy: many planets are now in Sagittarius, indeed, most planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and Pluto), and Pluto is headed straight for its first conjunction with the Galactic Core in nearly three centuries. This is the astrology that says the world is our home, if anyplace is home. And when the world is home, it's not far from the cosmos itself being the place we have journeyed long to visit, and where we seek that strange blend of comfort and freedom.

Planet Waves

Planet Waves Homespace

Also, to recap your 2006 lessons
Parallel Worlds


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