Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Amid much astrological intensity (including the controversial reclassification last week of Pluto to a "dwarf" planet -- see below), serious Saturn and idealistic Neptune begin the first of three oppositions starting August 31, while Pluto gets ready to turn direct on September 4. The result? You are likely getting clearer and clearer about what you do and do not want in your personal relationships -- and the world is too.
Indeed, from the global to the personal, human beings have an unwitting tendency to cyclically nurture -- or damage -- their relationships; to attract friends as well as foes. The upcoming planetary shifts represent the perfect time to get a handle on this aspect of human nature, and rethink the instinct to ... well, not think about the effects your actions have on others.
The stars are already causing you to reassess your habits and attitudes. To help you optimize this cathartic opportunity, is offering a 20% discount on your Karma Reading. This personalized, full-length look at your behavior in lives gone by will help you recognize actions that no longer serve you. You'll be inspired to move into a more evolved way of being, stepping back and taking a deep breath before you react to things. Based on your birth information, this reading reveals your quirks and your strengths -- valuable information that will undoubtedly help you make more consciously informed choices going forward.
Sounds good, but want to take a sneak peak at who you used to be? Check out your free sample Karma Reading and then decide if you want to dig deeper. We think you'll be surprised at how much you never truly pondered!
The Pluto Predicament
Pluto joined our solar systems family of planets in 1930. Seventy-six years later, as astronomers have discovered more and more orbiting bodies, including asteroids, comets, moons and as-yet-unclassified bodies, the International Astronomical Union has reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet.
But this doesn't mean that you should disregard Pluto's place in your charts! It hasnt left the solar system; it's just in a new category.
Historically, astrologers have examined events in the world at the time of a planet's discovery for clues about what it represents. As god of the underworld, Pluto represents power, transformation, the cycle of death and rebirth, and the process of breaking down and rebuilding. And now the status of Pluto itself is transforming -- a sure sign of its power and influence!
Time will tell if the scope of Pluto's symbolism will decrease as a result of its reclassification. In the meantime, Pluto retains all its astrological significance, as it continues to orbit our Sun.
It's true -- the world needs you! Learn more about the unique ability to contribute that you inherited from the stars. Get 20% off your personalized Career Path Reading!

Monday, August 28, 2006

August 28, 2006
Today's Outlook: Mercury the Communicator is now in analytical Virgo where it stays until September 12. Our words may not seem as flowery as they did when Mercury was in outgoing Leo for the last few weeks. Our minds are able to function in a highly discriminating manner during this phase of increased mental activity that is especially good for detailed thinking. We can become more obsessive as we stress over loose ends. Additionally, the Moon enters relentless Scorpio at 3:55 pm EDT, driving the intellectual process even deeper.
from - Astrology

Once Scorpio was ruled by Mars, plain and simple. Then, along came Pluto. Last week, scientists got rid of it. First, they distracted astrologers with some strange talk about how Pluto was really a double entity. Charon, its moon, was really its twin. Then they said, forget all that, it doesn't matter anyway, and they removed Pluto from the solar system. Or, at least, they tried to. Pluto, though, is still there. So too is the goal that you are now being told you cannot reach. Just keep reaching for it
from Jonathan Cainer at

The Stars This Week

Throw out the Fantasy, Go for the Dream 08/28/06 - 09/03/06
Major transits occur this week, making this a particularly important time for you. Saturn's opposition to Neptune beginning on August 31, an aspect that will continue well into 2007, challenges you to put in the extra work that can help you manifest your dreams. August 29 brings to a closure the freedom-oriented Jupiter/Uranus trine that has been around since November 2005. And in the middle of these major trends coming and going is a Mars square Pluto, which brings intense confrontation around issues of power and control, also on August 29. We end the week with the Sun/Mercury conjunction on September 1, and a plan begins to come together. Whew!



To say that astrologers are currently suffering from a surfeit of ruffled feathers is an understatement. On 24 August the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto of its planetary status and consigned it to relative insignificance among the many celestial objects in the suburbia of the Kuiper Belt. This was a bit of a volte-face by the same Union that had one week earlier officially embraced Pluto as the twelfth member of our solar system... CLICK HERE to continue.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How ironic that Pluto should be dismissed on grounds of size. It was discovered at the same time as Plutonium. Hence the similar name. Pluto governs nuclear energy which is all about the power of subatomic particles. You can hardly say that these are 'too small to matter!' To astronomers, Pluto may now be a 'dwarf planet' but to astrologers, it remains terribly important.

From Jonathan Cainer at

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Virgo New Moon:Less Than PerfectBy April Elliott Kent
The first of two successive New Moons in Virgo, this lunation falls at 0.31 degrees, in the very first degree of the sign. My teacher used to say that the first degree of any sign compels us to try everything that’s associated with that sign, in order to figure out what it means for us. Another friend likens the first degree to Little Orphan Annie and her blank, blank eyes: we’re a little clueless at this New Moon, blank slates awaiting Virgo’s signature. So lay out a list of Virgo keywords with your New Moon ritual and let yourself graze them lightly to get a feel for each of them. What does it mean to be healthy? Orderly? Tidy? Or – that most dreaded of Virgo adjectives – perfect?
Like just about everyone else, I’ve had the kind of life that placed perfection decidedly out of reach early on. I’ve never had a prayer of achieving anything close to the perfect figure, the perfect career, or the perfect family life. Imperfection is the human condition, it seems, but it makes me sad that I’ve so often fallen so short of my own standards. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, every so often, to be able to trade in your beat-up old life for a shiny new one as easily as upgrading your car?
Some of my imperfect life is, undeniably, my own fault – a fact my Mars, Pluto and Midheaven in Virgo never let me forget for a moment. I don’t have the right kind of personality for office work, so I probably should have finished college right after high school instead of making the decision to drop out and earn a living as a secretary. I should have found a better method of coping with my childhood traumas than self-medicating with junk food and putting myself behind the metabolic 8-ball. And no doubt I could have avoided some of the credit card debt and bad relationships that caused me so many headaches throughout my twenties.
But some of my missteps were simply the best coping techniques I could come up with at an early age, in response to events beyond my control. By the age of ten I’d lost a parent in a tragic accident, been dragged across country to live in California, seen my family’s financial status plunge to near-poverty, and was living as a latchkey kid long before it was fashionable. Despite this rocky start, I eventually improvised my way to a satisfying career, formed a happy marriage, finished college, and forged a much healthier relationship with money. Mind you, it’s a far from perfect résumé, and I’m aware a lot of other people have done much more with a lot less. But when I consider that a good deal of what I am was invented on the fly, in response to weird and disorienting circumstances, I figure I haven’t done too badly at all. Perhaps, sometimes, what looks like imperfection is actually a creative, practical response to the hand we’ve been dealt.
Maybe in my next life I’ll take my time and do it all right the first time. This time around, though, I’ve found that there is a certain relaxation that comes with giving up on perfection and making do with what comes your way. That’s not to say one shouldn’t strive to be better. But what exactly does "better" mean? Better than what? I’m not so sure that an earthy, practical sign like Virgo was ever meant to symbolize anything as otherworldly and unattainable as perfection. Rather, I think Virgo’s concept of "better" would simply have us strive to be ever more useful and of optimal service. Of how much use can we be to the world while we’re preoccupied with carbohydrates, injurious credit card interest rates, and keeping our bathrooms spotlessly clean?
I’m lucky at this point in my life to know a number of people who are deeply involved with making the world a better place. They simply don’t have time to mope about their imperfect thighs, shop for the perfect little black dress, or obsess about spots on the carpet. They’re too busy organizing demonstrations, working as mental health professionals and spiritual counselors, and volunteering time for social justice causes. I don’t think they would describe their lives as perfect, either; but then, rather than perfection, they’ve set their sights on effectiveness – an infinitely more joyful and attainable goal.
When you get right down to it, life is a grand mess - and in fact, it’s kind of beautiful that way. Maybe everything is already perfect, just as it is, and your only job is to figure out your place in it, and to do the best you can with what we’ve been given. Become better, urges Virgo; more useful. Be of optimal service. Figure out what the world needs from you, and organize your life in such a way that you’re able to give it. If we orient ourselves in that way, I can’t help but think Virgo will be pleased with us - no matter how messy our houses, how unbalanced our checkbook, or how abundant our cellulite.
Read more of April's articles at her website, Big Sky Astrology.
© 2006 April Elliott KentAll rights reserved

Virgo New Moon Meditation: To Serve Without SufferingBy Pythia Peay
Each New Moon, we are given the opportunity to begin again. Think of it as cosmic grace, a generous gesture from the universe to allow us one more try at getting things right. The sign the Moon falls in shows us a specific area of life where we can make this new beginning. On August 23, the New Moon occurs in the very first degree of Virgo. Like a gateway, this New Moon initiates a month long journey into the mysteries of the Virgo/Pisces axis. On September 7, there is a Full Moon eclipse midway through, at 15 degrees Pisces/Virgo; on September 22, a New Moon solar eclipse at the very end of Virgo, 29 degrees, closes out the cycle. Astrologers have sometimes called the Virgo/Pisces polarity the “serve or suffer” duo. In other words, if we don't bring out the very best parts of ourselves, the better angels of our nature, and offer those gifts on the altar of the world’s suffering - we will suffer. For many, the gravity of events on the world stage has made thoughts of service even more urgent. On August 31, a slow-building aspect culminates that drives home this point: Saturn at 18 Leo stands opposite Neptune at 18 Aquarius. The time has arrived to bring our dreams out of the realms of fantasy, and make them an earthly reality. The third and final Jupiter/Uranus trine from Scorpio to Pisces on August 29 may be the golden shower from the heavens that helps us do just that.Virgo is often harshly criticized for being a picky sign. And for sure, Virgos can certainly be the nitpickers and organizers of the Zodiac. But on a deeper level this sign’s dissatisfied restlessness is more often a symptom of its search for a cause to serve. The Priest or Priestess of the Zodiac, Virgo finds its fullest expression in humble service to those noble ideals which transcend ordinary life. As a triple Virgo myself, I began adulthood living in a spiritual commune, dusting and cleaning the meditation room - a perfect expression of Virgo’s desire to be caretaker of the Divine in everyday life. The first step on the path of service is to know in what practical area of life to direct your compassionate energy. Below is a meditation that can help you to clarify your direction.
"Whom does the grail serve?" was the question asked of the wounded Fisher King in the Arthurian legend. The health of the kingdom, as well as the healing of his own wound, depended upon his answer. As Virgo is a sign of service it is, as well, a timely question to ponder at this New Moon. Service without purity of intention lacks real power, weakening the ability to truly heal. Like the chivalrous knight who has dedicated him or herself in service to their kingdom, one's intention is the spirit that animates any form of service.
MEDITATION: To clarify your intention about the purpose you wish to serve in life, meditate on the image of a crystal. If you have a real crystal, place it on your altar. Or, visually imagine a large crystal, centering it within your inner vision. Contemplate this crystal for as long as you like, absorbing into yourself its clear translucence. Imagine that its diamond-like light is penetrating your body, heart, and mind. Think of sunlight glinting off snow; landscapes of crystals; ice-blue mountain lakes; immense glaciers. Breathe in light, breathe in sharp, crisp air, circulate these energies through your body, heart, and mind. Slowly, begin to feel as if your whole being is coming into sharper and sharper focus. All the things that have clouded your vision and distracted your energies melts away in the brilliance of this light.
Next, allow a question to form in your heart: "what, or whom, do I serve?" Without forcing an answer, allow a response to arise naturally from within. This could be an image from a dream, a phrase from a book, a piece of music, or even an emotion that begins your quest. It could be a specific political cause, an artistic idea, an individual who needs you, or a job that demands a change in your character. (Later, you may wish to write down your response, as well as any interpretations, the way you might work with a dream.) Now, as any knight would do, place your hand over your heart and dedicate yourself in service to this purpose. This is the ideal that has chosen you to be its trusted servant. From this higher goal you receive your direction in life. You know where to go; now it is time to get going!
Pythia Peay is the author of Soul Sisters: The Five Sacred Qualities of a Woman’s Soul and Mercury Retrograde: Its Myth and Meaning.
© 2006 Pythia PeayAll rights reserved
The Stars This Week (from IVillage and

50% Practicality and 50% Idealism Gets You Where You Want to Go 08/21/06 - 08/27/06

There's something to say for a fabulous work ethic, and with this much action shifting to Virgo, you'll get all the tools you need to help you get organized and get your projects and plans moving forward. We begin the week with Mercury finishing up its transit through creative Leo as it opposes dreamy, idealistic Neptune on August 21. Then the Sun enters hard-working Virgo on August 23 followed by the Virgo new Moon on the same day. Mercury joins in, entering Virgo on August 27. Since Virgo is the sign of service, your confidence gets a boost and your security is enhanced by a feeling that you are doing something useful and worthwhile.
August 21: Mercury opposes Neptune
As Mercury connects with the larger Saturn/Neptune opposition by opposing Neptune (it conjuncted Saturn last week), you turn your focus toward your dreams and ideals. The question is: What is real or not; what is doable or not? You may want to review how realistic your ideas and plans really are. Yet, don't desert your dreams! It's just that not everything is being revealed right now. So think before you leap. Meditate before you act.
August 23: The Sun enters Virgo
The energy shifts as the Sun enters Virgo, a sign that is earthy yet quite idealistic. Keeping your feet on the ground and your head in the stars helps you maintain harmony in your life now. Some of you are preparing to go back to school; others are getting down to business dreaming up new ventures. With the Sun shining in this sign, you are interested in doing a great job, in getting your life organized. This is a roll-up-your-shirtsleeves sign, something demonstrated hugely by Virgo Mother Theresa, who was a virtual archetype of both the practical dreamer and service-oriented natures of this sign.
August 23: New Moon in Virgo
A new Moon time is all about a new beginning and a new cycle. As the Moon increases in light it culminates in the full Moon, when you will have a chance to stand back and take stock of what you started at the new Moon. So put your energy into something that is meaningful to you, something you want to grow. With a Virgo new Moon, which is very accomplishment-oriented, you'll notice that you and others want to get involved in something useful, something productive. As you think of a project, dream or goal that you want to infuse with this lunar energy, allow it to help you organize and implement those things that are the most important to you. A Japanese proverb with a Virgo-like bent is, 'If there is no wind, row.'
August 27: Mercury enters Virgo
Sharpen your pencils! Charge your PDAs! Your fertile mind needs something to do as this communication planet leaves fiery Leo and enters analytical Virgo on September 4. Mercury loves to be in this sign, one of its home signs (the other is Gemini). If you've been waiting to get your creative ideas into a form, the wait is over. Your mind hasn't been this sharp since, well last year when Mercury was in Virgo! Write that proposal, get the finishing touches on your film project done or create the perfect itinerary for your family vacation. Whatever your project is, your focus is at an all-time high. Just make sure you stay off the hamster wheel of turning the same thing over and over in your mind. Give your mind a job to occupy itself.

Past Issues of The Stars This Week

From Penny Thornton's Site

21st August 2006 - 27th August 2006
I was in the US recently and the story dominating the gossip columns was the firing of a celebrity who had been co-host on a hugely popular morning TV show. It seemed to be a case of hubris - the female star in question had stepped on too many toes and believed herself to be invincible only to discover that she was eminently reject-able and replaceable. The reason I mention this is that we are currently in an astro-scape that is redolent with the theme of sacrifice and betrayal, so should any of us find ourselves in the position of being outmanoeuvred and left high and dry we might take comfort from this celebrity's philosophy of life - Inside every obstacle lies an opportunity.

From Jonathan Cainer
Today: Once, we had celestial symmetry. 12 zodiac signs, 7 moving lights in the sky. The Sun ruled Leo. The Moon ruled Cancer. Each planet ruled two signs apiece. Mars governed Aries & Scorpio. Venus; Taurus & Libra. Mercury; Gemini & Virgo, Jupiter; Sagittarius & Pisces, Saturn; Capricorn & Aquarius. All that changed after 1781 when Uranus was discovered. After years of experimentation, astrologers attributed it to Aquarius. The 1846 discovery, Neptune, was eventually given to Pisces. By the 1950's we were confident that Pluto belonged to Scorpio. So... what will Ceres, Xena and Charon end up ruling? More on this hot topic tomorrow.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Stars This Week

Make Concrete Plans, But Don't Overcommit 08/14/06 - 08/20/06
This week there are people who can help you make needed changes in your life. With the Sun's trine to Pluto on August 17, look for those in positions of influence or power who radiate confidence. On August 18 and 20, as the communication planet Mercury forms aspects to both optimistic Jupiter and reality-based Saturn, you'll want to take stock of the pluses and minuses of your ideas and plans. You'll get plenty of feedback. Take what you need and leave the rest.
August 17: The Leo Sun trines Pluto
It's time to transform your life! That's not too tall an order, is it? Ask yourself, 'What can I change so that I am living more authentically?' The Sun's entrance into Leo last month brought forward the importance of being confident, treating yourself with respect and making sure you're enjoying yourself. Now the trine to Pluto, an aspect that shows support, brings you into contact with significant people who can positively influence your life. The need here is to go deeper, to be real. No messing around with the superficial stuff! You'll get the help you need with this powerful aspect.
August 18 and 20: Mercury squares Jupiter and conjuncts Saturn
As the two social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, move toward forming a square aspect to each other -- which will be exact in October -- and as Neptune begins its opposition to Saturn this month, you'll notice that when the smaller, personal planets make an aspect to Jupiter, they will also aspect Saturn and Neptune. Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts and Neptune diffuses. Over these next months, you may not know whether it's best to take something all the way or to be more cautious in your approach. (The world doesn't know either. You'll be reading about that in the news). With Mercury squaring Jupiter on August 18, there's a tendency to think BIG, and even to overcommit. Yet, Mercury conjuncts serious Saturn on August 20, so you will also have the desire to cross your t's and dot your i's. Next week, when Mercury opposes Neptune, you'll get additional messages. What's the best way to utilize all of this diverse energy? Simply put, take your time. There are many different points of view right now. You'll notice in the world right now that those who are speaking prematurely are getting themselves into a lot of trouble. Don't be one of them!
14th August 2006 - 20th August 2006
We appear to be on a roller coaster ride at the moment - marvellous if you like thrills and spills, but a little vertiginous otherwise. Strangely enough, astrologers aren't immune from cosmic storms, so when I say keep your sense of perspective regardless of the assault on your sensibilities and your plans I'm also talking to myself. Of course, I do my level best to avoid an oncoming obstacle - sometimes I succeed and sometimes I seem to attract it directly towards me. When that happens I say through gritted teeth - you needed that lesson, it's for your own good. So, repeat after me: I needed that lesson: it was for my own good!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

31st July 2006 - 6th August 2006
When I look at our astrology this week I am reminded of the power of faith. When we are convinced of our vision, when we have absolute belief in someone or something, joy replaces fear and obstacles magically fall away. However, there is a subtle difference between faith-backed action and foolish optimism. And this issue lies at the heart of this week's aspects. Now is the moment to look at a situation warts and all, and to decide whether it is worth continuing our efforts, or if it is wiser to let go. Throughout August Saturn and Neptune will test the strength and viability of endeavours and relationships, and we will be in a far better position to meet those tests if we have reached some important conclusions beforehand. All right, I sound a bit sombre, but even under sunny skies we can give serious thought to life and love.
- Penny Thornton

Wednesday Aug 2

Aug. 2, 2006. 01:00 AM
Thought for the Day: The first quarter moon occurs today at 4:46 a.m. The right half of our fate spinner is illuminated with sparkling Jupiter nearby to the right. Don't miss this magical occasion. It's a highly auspicious moment to make your wishes.
- Phil Booth, The Toronto Star - Horoscope

Today's Outlook: The passionate Scorpio Moon gains intensity today as it conjuncts expansive Jupiter. Meanwhile the Sun squares Jupiter, adding a dynamic tension to the day. The danger of too much becomes evident as we bite off more than we can chew. Still, awareness of this tendency may not be enough to stop us. The sooner we can spot potential overcommitments or overindulgences, the easier it will be to bring the situation back into balance.

Aspects for Wednesday August 02, 2006

Moon in Scorpio

Sun (10° Leo) Square (waning) Jupiter (10° Scorpio)

Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent, 46% Visible, Age: 7 days 19 hours 28 minutes, Full: 09/08/2006, 10:54 GMT

- Jonathan Cainer,

Ruler of My Heart
Every part of the body is ruled by a sign and a planet. Capricorn rules the bones and teeth, Pisces rules the feet (ironic, since fish don't have them), and Leo rules the heart. Leo's ruling planet is the Sun, and just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, the heart is the center of the body and mind. This month, four planets are in Leo, making this an idea time to look into your heart. What is its true desire? If it's a love that will last, you're in luck when Venus, the planet of love, meets commitment-oriented Saturn. Are you ready to take the leap?

Expect some drama this weekend, as the expressive Sun in Leo can be over-inflated by expansive Jupiter. Doubts and fears may be blown out of proportion and hopes could jump off the scale. It's definitely an excellent time to stretch social limits and open up your heart, but don't lose sight of reality in this wave of emotional extremes.

Jeff Jawer -