Wednesday, April 26, 2006

From Jonathan Cainer:

It's the 'Dark of the Moon' once more. For the next few days the Moon will be in the same part of the zodiac as the sun so it won't be able to reflect any of its light. Dark nights make it easier for astronomers to see the dimmer and more distant objects that are usually 'drowned out' by the lunar glow. They also, traditionally, make it easier for mystics, psychics and visionaries to see a little further. Many clairvoyants and mediums say they get their most powerful insights around the time, each month, when the Moon is new.

The New Moon always takes place in the same sign as the Sun. The Sun, though, spends about 30 days in each sign - while New Moons take place every 28 days. This means we occasionally see two New moons in a row in the same sign. This year, Virgo gets the 'double.' There will be one New Moon in this sign at the end of August... and another near the end of September. Meanwhile, this week, as we approach a single New Moon in Taurus, we can expect tension and apprehension... giving way to a sense of great relief.

Recently, the papers were full of pictures of Noel Edmonds' hands, with strange little doodles drawn on them. Apparently, he has been practising a form of prayer (or positive thinking) called 'Cosmic Ordering'. We astrologers have another name for this. We call it 'Wishing On A Star'. You just have to be clear in your mind about what you hope the universe will help you get... and then make a humble, mental request. In my experience, it always works best if you pick an appropriate moment. There will, for example, be a New Moon later this week. If there's something you want to ask for... try making your wish on Thursday!


Monday, April 24, 2006

from April 24, 2006 • Newsletter

A Week to Watch
It's packed with activity -- so how will it play out for you?

This week could bring important accomplishments, which isn't to say it'll always be easy. On the 24th, the Sun's square to Saturn may breed squabbles, so cut irritation off at the pass by using that energy for constructive goals. In fact, with the new Moon in Taurus highlighting career evaluation on the 27th, goals are quite a theme this week! Things become much mellower by the 29th, when the Sun's sextile to Mars and Mercury's sextile to Neptune encourage you to dream big -- and then get things done. Finally, Venus's square to Pluto on the 30th will ask you to take a close look at your relationship. For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on The Stars This Week.

Career evaluation's a theme this week -- so how does your nine to five stack up? Call for your free astrology reading!

Your Crystal Ball of Love
Relationship moments-of-truth are sure to crop up from time to time, and you might, in fact, experience one this week. It sure would be nice to gaze into the future at times like this! But when that's not possible, try the next best thing: Your free sample Relationship Potential Reading is personalized for you and your sweetie. No generic advice here -- just a detailed look at how you two relate. Let astrology do some of the relationship work this week, so you can stop worrying about where things are going and start reveling in where they are!

Maximize This Week's Energy
· Maximize constructive energy -- and put your professional pursuits front and center -- with a look at your Astrological Career Profile.

Coming next week: Mercury moves into Taurus, and you're ready to call it like you see it.

Weekly Overview
Feelings of vulnerability could build throughout the week. Uncertainty about self-worth or attractiveness can undermine confidence in relationships. It's best to address these issues as soon as they occur, rather than letting them mount up over time. A willingness to be open is very endearing and therefore is more likely to bring closeness than to drive someone away.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

There is nothing worth more than this day!

From Phil Booth, the Toronto Star
Tuesday April 18
Apr. 18, 2006. 01:00 AMThought for the Day: This is the 21st day of this 29-day lunar cycle, which began with the total solar eclipse of late March. The drama of last week's full moon lasted longer than usual. It's time to make some sense of it.

Today's Outlook: Yesterday's edginess continues as romantic Venus hooks up with unpredictable Uranus, emphasizing unusual desires along with a need for freedom of expression. Additionally, mental Mercury squares physical Mars, creating the potential for anger to replace logic. Stress is in the air, so we need to stay as calm as possible if we find ourselves getting worked up over something that may not be significant. We can inadvertently turn a molehill into a mountain. Our moods can begin to settle back to normal as the Moon move into steady Capricorn at 4:12 pm EDT.

From I-Village Astrology
April 18: Venus conjunct Uranus, Mercury square Mars
Today's astrological buffet offers quite a delicious selection! For starters, loving Venus in Pisces (one of her very favorite signs, to tell the truth) will connect with startling Uranus in the same sign. This could mean that the goddess of love (ordinarily ladylike to the nth degree in Pisces) will become emboldened under Uranus's influence -- so don't be surprised if you or someone you've been eyeing finally asks for a dance. Better yet, the bold words to handle this delightful situation with aplomb are due to arrive courtesy of Mercury the Messenger, who'll be engaged in a square with Mars. Now, those two aren't famous for holding anything back, so this is definitely the time to get the show on the road.
Enjoy the Sun's transit of Aries!
Daily Cosmic Calendar

Climb aboard the cosmic rollercoaster at your own risk. There is an 'anything goes' quality about this day's sky patterns that can prove thrilling to some and nerve-wracking to others. As mentioned in yesterday's calendar entry, the early morning hours are somewhat heart-pounding in significance as Venus unites with Uranus in Pisces (2:44AM PDT) while Mercury in Aries squares off against Mars in Cancer (2:57AM PDT). Don't press the panic button just yet! Shortly after these two alignments occur, the universe dishes out a Sun-Uranus 45-degree link (3:45AM PDT) and the monthly Moon-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius (8:13AM PDT). To some extent, this may be a little too much voltage for most mortals to handle. As often happens with a barrage of celestial aspects occurring in only a few hours, the tendency is to go into a state of energy overload or shock. The main rule of thumb this morning is to find more time for meditation and reflection. Don't start flying by the seat of your pants and make radical decisions that you know deep down inside you won't be able to keep. Coming to your rescue is a flowing trine in fire signs from the Sun to the Moon (11:42AM PDT). However, this begins a void lunar cycle lasting until 2:14PM PDT when the Moon enters rock-solid Capricorn. While the Moon is in void mode, it's best to complete odd jobs and finish old projects. Once the Moon is in Capricorn, breathe a sigh of relief and focus more attention on professional aims. You will want to work hard toward achieving long-sought goals over the following 48 hours.
Copyright, 2006 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.Contact Mark Lerner.

Monday, April 17, 2006

10th April 2006 - 16th April 2006-V
Full moons end a chapter and enable us to complete a process, whether that is of an emotional nature or something a little more tangible. And you have the opportunity to do both this week. Thursday's full moon straddles the axis of finance and self-worth, so before the end of April a financial agreement could be signed and sealed or you will be able to bring a halt to any inappropriate spending habits and commitments. On the other hand, you can also close the door on an unfulfilling sexual relationship or come to an understanding that will help correct the balance of power in a partnership. Do your best to put compromise above pride. A balancing act.
From I-Village Astrology
April 17, 2006 Newsletter,,8xmkl0kt,00.html

Be BoldYour assertiveness could pay off in unexpected ways!
Keep an eye out for new relationship opportunities this week. With Venus emboldened by her conjunction to rebellious Uranus on the 18th, you can expect the unexpected when it comes to l'amour. And Mercury's square to Mars that same day will ensure that you have just the right bold response to any romantic question. On the 20th, the Sun moves into pleasure-loving Taurus, and Venus's trine to Jupiter is sure to keep the decadent good times rolling! For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on The Stars This Week.

Want to be extra sure you don't miss any of those relationship opportunities? Call for your free astrology reading!

Easy as 1, 2, 3Venus is feeling emboldened this week, and there's no reason that you shouldn't reap the rewards! First step? Revealing your deepest motivations and secret goals -- and your free sample Numerology Portrait will do just that. Using your full birth name and date, this unique reading will calculate your soul number, the numerological representation of your most private self. Who knows ... with this kind of unpredictable week, you might just make some of those hidden desires a reality!

Maximize This Week's Energy
Will you giggle with a Gemini? Sizzle with a Sag? Make the most of this exciting week with a look at your Love Vibrations.
Let those good times roll! The Weekly Flirt Horoscope is your ticket to fun.
Coming next week: Bust out the to-do list, because you're poised to achieve some important goals!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Intuitive Message for the Libra Full Moon:The Season of Resurrection
by Julia Bondi

The season of resurrection is upon us. The seeds of spring are beckoning us to move out of our winter cocoons into the fresh warming air of a budding earth. Nature is resurrecting her beauty and her bounty. Our major religions are preparing to celebrate their profound rituals of survival and resurrection. In the Eastern traditions this full moon begins a cycle of three special and significant spiritual moments of powerful possibility in the yearly lunar cycle.
This is the full moon festival of the risen Christ, the full moon of Aries/Libra. This ascent is the awakening of the Christ consciousness within our human hearts, the rising of pure love which leads us to the awareness of our universality as members of the spiritual family of humanity and the larger universe. This rising of the Christ consciousness is not the province of any religion or faith tradition. It is the deepest truth and gift of the waning Age of Pisces. Our initiation into the full power of love is purpose of this Piscean Age, its evolutionary message to guide us forward on the path of human evolution. This deep Libran knowing of love is the underlying impulse of the full moon of Aries/Libra and reveals to us the true Arian nature of the authentic humans we inherently are and are becoming as we evolve.
As human beings become self aware or conscious of ourselves then our awareness of us as independent creators becomes our center and our awareness of the others in our world and our relationship to them naturally expands. We come to know ourselves as both a creator and a created being. The greatest teaching of the Piscean evolution is deeply embedded in this full moon and it is to love thy God with thy whole heart and love thy neighbor as thyself. What does self awareness reveal? To know ourselves truly is to know ourselves at our core as divinely created and inspired beings whose continued consciousness and joy flows from loving God with our whole heart. That loving heart initiates us into a genuine love for ourselves as individuals created by God and reveals to us the other as an equally divine and loved creature of God. It was this teaching of the Piscean Age we have been told was all we needed to know and live by. The truth is simple and powerful as Aries instinctively knows.
In the darkest moments of human history the light is reborn, survives and is resurrected. These spring rituals remind us of that continuing truth. In our current lives, in the lives of our loved ones, in the life of our nation, in the life of our world it may seem like a time of painful darkness. This may be a time when we feel little or no love for ourselves, others or the world but the light is rising on the eastern horizon and the days and nights are equal showing us there is hope, balance and potential to turn to. The spring equinox, the religious and spiritual festivals of spring and the full moon of Aries/Libra are a moment to rise to new hope and action with a more loving and open heart. Aries can begin again and Libra can seize the ideal. Let us begin again now and every day this year knowing the true God of all is the God of love.

© 2006 Julia BondiAll rights reserved

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Stars This Week

Mercury square Pluto, Full Moon in Libra, Mars into Cancer, Mercury into Aries 04/10/06 - 04/16/06
Relationships are front and center this week! On the 13th, Mercury's square to Pluto may demand that you replay an old dilemma -- but the full Moon in Libra that same day will reward new solutions with long-awaited closure. When Mars moves into Cancer on the 13th, he'll take his assertive energy right into your home, making this an ideal time to put an end to any needless bickering. By the time Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th, you'll be ready to use your ample energy for productive ends!
April 13: Mercury square Pluto, Full Moon in Libra
Here's a mixed bag of energies, all directly aimed at relationship issues -- which has been quite a trend this month. First off, the full Moon in Libra may expose a matter you've been trying to 'nice' your way around. That will prove considerably more difficult right now, however, so you'll have to think of a new approach. In addition, Mercury's assertive square with Pluto (reminiscent of last week's confrontation between Mars and Pluto) will undoubtedly bring up the same issue. This time out, though, the full Moon's emphasis on culmination will undoubtedly bring the matter to a conclusion. Either you or your current opponent needs to apologize, and both of you need to work together to find brand-new solutions to old problems. Accomplish that, and it'll be smooth sailing.
April 13: Mars into Cancer
After months of dashing around, jabbering at full speed and waving his finely honed sword at anyone who dares even suggest another destination for lunch, Mars is ready for a rest. Yes, even the god of war needs some downtime every now and then, and this is it; he's off for home-loving, family-oriented Cancer today. Now, that could mean there will be a few family disputes to get through. But as bold and assertive as Mars is, he'll also endow you with the ability to talk sense into all your relatives and put an end to any bickering that simply has to go. See? There's a good side to everything.
April 16: Mercury into Aries
Just in time to give Mars a hand settling disputes (as if he ever needed one), chatty Mercury will join the Sun in assertive Aries today. The result is that you'll be able to make your points quite clear, especially when it comes to family: There will be no petty bickering, ancient feuds will be put to an end, and all parties concerned will learn -- immediately -- to find ways to put all that aggression toward more constructive ends. Working out together, for example. You might also channel some of that energy into revamping your home. Either way, get busy. Right now. Mars has never been famous for his patience.

Past Issues of The Stars This Week