Friday, August 18, 2006

The Stars This Week

Make Concrete Plans, But Don't Overcommit 08/14/06 - 08/20/06
This week there are people who can help you make needed changes in your life. With the Sun's trine to Pluto on August 17, look for those in positions of influence or power who radiate confidence. On August 18 and 20, as the communication planet Mercury forms aspects to both optimistic Jupiter and reality-based Saturn, you'll want to take stock of the pluses and minuses of your ideas and plans. You'll get plenty of feedback. Take what you need and leave the rest.
August 17: The Leo Sun trines Pluto
It's time to transform your life! That's not too tall an order, is it? Ask yourself, 'What can I change so that I am living more authentically?' The Sun's entrance into Leo last month brought forward the importance of being confident, treating yourself with respect and making sure you're enjoying yourself. Now the trine to Pluto, an aspect that shows support, brings you into contact with significant people who can positively influence your life. The need here is to go deeper, to be real. No messing around with the superficial stuff! You'll get the help you need with this powerful aspect.
August 18 and 20: Mercury squares Jupiter and conjuncts Saturn
As the two social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, move toward forming a square aspect to each other -- which will be exact in October -- and as Neptune begins its opposition to Saturn this month, you'll notice that when the smaller, personal planets make an aspect to Jupiter, they will also aspect Saturn and Neptune. Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts and Neptune diffuses. Over these next months, you may not know whether it's best to take something all the way or to be more cautious in your approach. (The world doesn't know either. You'll be reading about that in the news). With Mercury squaring Jupiter on August 18, there's a tendency to think BIG, and even to overcommit. Yet, Mercury conjuncts serious Saturn on August 20, so you will also have the desire to cross your t's and dot your i's. Next week, when Mercury opposes Neptune, you'll get additional messages. What's the best way to utilize all of this diverse energy? Simply put, take your time. There are many different points of view right now. You'll notice in the world right now that those who are speaking prematurely are getting themselves into a lot of trouble. Don't be one of them!
14th August 2006 - 20th August 2006
We appear to be on a roller coaster ride at the moment - marvellous if you like thrills and spills, but a little vertiginous otherwise. Strangely enough, astrologers aren't immune from cosmic storms, so when I say keep your sense of perspective regardless of the assault on your sensibilities and your plans I'm also talking to myself. Of course, I do my level best to avoid an oncoming obstacle - sometimes I succeed and sometimes I seem to attract it directly towards me. When that happens I say through gritted teeth - you needed that lesson, it's for your own good. So, repeat after me: I needed that lesson: it was for my own good!


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