The Stars This Week by Amanda Owen
A Gradual Turnaround
04/28/08 - 05/04/08
You may feel like you drove into a fog bank at the beginning of the week with Mars quincunx nebulous Neptune on April 28. Yet, by the time Venus enters her home sign Taurus on April 30, you'll be ready to delve into the more concrete, material aspects of your life. Mercury's entrance into Gemini on May 2 brings plenty of communication but you'll need to watch your P's and Q's when Saturn squares Mercury on May 3 just after turning direct on May 2.
April 28: Mars quincunx Neptune
What are you doing and why are you doing it? As Mars advances in emotional Cancer, the contact with illusory Neptune is enough to make you tread water while you get your bearings. Not everything is being revealed right now and it will be impossible to get all of the data you may feel you need. However, this is an important time to regroup. Next month you will feel like you are on a forward track. For now: dogpaddle.
April 30: Venus enters Taurus
It's time to talk about money as Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into Taurus, the sign of values and finances. Sometimes money can be a difficult subject but now, since both Saturn and Pluto are in earth signs, there is great potential for thoughtful and beneficial discussions about this important topic. Whether you want to open a savings account or set aside money for a child's education, this is a great time to plan for the future.
May 2: Mercury enters Gemini and May 3 squares Saturn
Mercury in its home sign Gemini usually likes nothing better than to chat, read the paper, and run around doing errands. However, with the immediate square to serious Saturn in analytical Virgo, you'll have to stop in your tracks and think through everything you say. Do yourself a favor by being silent unless you have something worthwhile to add.
May 2: Saturn turns direct
Sure, things are moving slowly-- but don't hang back or go to sleep! Saturn's change in direction will bring some forward movement to your projects and plans. You'll gain traction by the end of the month, so plan well. Decide what you want to be responsible for, as well as what you need to let others do. You'll reap plenty of rewards by taking your time and being thoughtful now.
A Gradual Turnaround
04/28/08 - 05/04/08
You may feel like you drove into a fog bank at the beginning of the week with Mars quincunx nebulous Neptune on April 28. Yet, by the time Venus enters her home sign Taurus on April 30, you'll be ready to delve into the more concrete, material aspects of your life. Mercury's entrance into Gemini on May 2 brings plenty of communication but you'll need to watch your P's and Q's when Saturn squares Mercury on May 3 just after turning direct on May 2.
April 28: Mars quincunx Neptune
What are you doing and why are you doing it? As Mars advances in emotional Cancer, the contact with illusory Neptune is enough to make you tread water while you get your bearings. Not everything is being revealed right now and it will be impossible to get all of the data you may feel you need. However, this is an important time to regroup. Next month you will feel like you are on a forward track. For now: dogpaddle.
April 30: Venus enters Taurus
It's time to talk about money as Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into Taurus, the sign of values and finances. Sometimes money can be a difficult subject but now, since both Saturn and Pluto are in earth signs, there is great potential for thoughtful and beneficial discussions about this important topic. Whether you want to open a savings account or set aside money for a child's education, this is a great time to plan for the future.
May 2: Mercury enters Gemini and May 3 squares Saturn
Mercury in its home sign Gemini usually likes nothing better than to chat, read the paper, and run around doing errands. However, with the immediate square to serious Saturn in analytical Virgo, you'll have to stop in your tracks and think through everything you say. Do yourself a favor by being silent unless you have something worthwhile to add.
May 2: Saturn turns direct
Sure, things are moving slowly-- but don't hang back or go to sleep! Saturn's change in direction will bring some forward movement to your projects and plans. You'll gain traction by the end of the month, so plan well. Decide what you want to be responsible for, as well as what you need to let others do. You'll reap plenty of rewards by taking your time and being thoughtful now.