Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Stars This Week by Amanda Owen

Endings and Beginnings
02/19/07 - 02/25/07

The relationship planets enter new signs this week with Venus' entrance into fiery Aries on February 21 and Mars moving into independent Aquarius on February 25. But before Venus makes this transition, something needs to be left behind as she squares intense Pluto on February 19. In the middle of all of this relationship shifting, information becomes available on February 22 as retrograding Mercury joins the Sun in a conjunction that gives you something to consider before making any decisions.

February 19: Venus square Pluto

You know all the intensity that's been going on in your relationships? There's more here. Venus in sensitive, romantic Pisces can sometimes put rose-colored glasses on our outlook. Those shades come off now as Pluto's confrontation with Venus in this square makes you aware of what you can and can't control when it comes to relationships. Something needs to be released. Determine what you need to let go of. Is it a person or simply old beliefs that don't serve you anymore? It's time to transform your relationship values to reflect the person you are today.

February 21: Venus enters Aries

As the planet of love enters this highly active fire sign, it's time for you to get off the couch, turn off your computer and go out and do something! Looking for a mate? Try signing up for competitive sports: Racket ball, tennis or even getting into the batting cage are all fabulous ways to meet someone now. For those already with someone, keep in mind that Aries is the mythological god of war. This time can spark your passion; to fan those flames, choose an activity and get out of the house. Otherwise, you may turn your beady eyes on each other -- and that's probably not a good idea!

February 22: Mercury conjunct Sun

When retrograding Mercury connects with the Sun, you return to conversations that offer valuable information -- but it's not time to act on that data. For now, store it away. You'll be able to use it next month after Mercury turns direct on March 8. This conjunction takes place in Pisces, giving you a great opportunity to tune into the non-logical mind. Use your imagination and intuition to help you find solutions to big questions. Sometimes the answers are in the least likely places. Be open to that now.

February 25: Mars enters Aquarius

As action-oriented Mars leaves pragmatic, lets-climb-a-mountain Capricorn and enters one of the most independent signs of the zodiac, it's time for you to get creative, innovative and start coloring outside the lines. If you can harness the assertive energy of Mars and the determination of this fixed air sign, you can make inroads into areas you never thought possible.

the stars this week


February Horoscope 2007

by Jeff Jawer
Logic and emotion battle it out this month

From Tarot.com, Jeff Jawer

On Feb. 8 and 10, the Sun joins nebulous Neptune and opposes strict Saturn, a preview of these outer planets' exact opposition occurring on Feb. 28. Saturn is the planet of hard, cold reality, and Neptune is the planet of fantasy and illusions. The Sun's connections with them illuminates their contrast, which grows as a theme throughout the month. On the positive side, this can be a major step towards turning a dream into something tangible. This aspect can also put an end to illusions that bring no value to your life. Either way, this is just the second step in a process that began late last summer and will finish in late June this year, when Saturn and Neptune make their third and final opposition. It's possible, though, that the loss of a dream in one area of life frees up the time and energy necessary for making one real in another area.

Loving Venus fires into impulsive Aries on Feb. 21, which puts the spark into relationships but often involves risky behavior. The heart may jump, but investing your affection or your money too quickly may prove costly now. Active Mars enters Aquarius on Feb. 25 to turn idealism into action and provoke rebellious behavior. A restless urge to break old habits can be freeing and, ideally, can satisfy both emotional and intellectual needs for change. Loving Venus fires into impulsive Aries on Feb. 21, which puts the spark into relationships but often involves risky behavior. The heart may jump, but investing your affection or your money too quickly may prove costly now. Active Mars enters Aquarius on Feb. 25 to turn idealism into action and provoke rebellious behavior. A restless urge to break old habits can be freeing and, ideally, can satisfy both emotional and intellectual needs for change.



Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Stars This Week by Amanda Owen

Take Your Time
02/12/07 - 02/18/07

This is quite an interesting week as the relationship planets -- lovely Venus and assertive Mars -- form a fun sextile aspect to each other on February 13. Both planets then quincunx the taskmaster, Saturn, on Valentine’s Day. Add to the mix Mercury turning retrograde in dreamy Pisces also on February 14, and it will take extra care to ensure that misunderstandings don’t occur. The new Moon in Aquarius helps join with like-minded people. Yet, when the Sun also enters Pisces on February 18, we'll all wonder what actually happened earlier in the week!
February 13: Venus sextile Mars
Venus in romantic Pisces and Mars in ambitious Capricorn make a great team in this water/earth combo. Venus softens the hard edges of Mars, and Mars provides a strong shoulder to lean on. If it weren’t for the fact that they are both about to make a quincunx (150 degree) aspect tomorrow forming a major aspect pattern called a Yod, everything would remain all sweet. Grab it today while it lasts!
February 14: Venus and Mars quincunx Saturn
Although Venus and Mars are getting along famously, they’re both held in check by the taskmaster, Saturn. Delays, restrictions and stop signs are all cautioning you to take your time and pay attention. Is somebody or something running interference? It may be as simple as the fact that you can’t find a babysitter, or your honey has a last-minute work assignment that delays your Valentine’s Day celebration. Perhaps your restaurant reservations weren’t made in time. Be flexible.
February 14: Mercury retrogrades in Pisces
Mercury entered empathic Pisces on February 2. You may be feeling a bit thin-skinned now as Mercury turns retrograde in this sensitive water sign. Take time alone to gather your thoughts and to tune into yourself without distractions. Have no fear -- Mercury will retrograde back into Aquarius later this month, and your logical mind will return. But for the time being, keep your emotions in check and don’t act until you know all of the facts. Take your time and don’t be impulsive. And, of course, defer decision-making until after Mercury turns direct on March 8. This aspect is renown for people making mistakes.
February 17: New Moon in Aquarius
Aquarius is the sign of freedom and independence. With the new Moon in this hopeful sign, you'll want to tune into the pleasure and comfort of others. Teamwork is your motto for this lunar cycle. Put energy into something you want to become stronger and more important in your life. Pluto forms a beautiful sextile aspect, which helps you deepen your connections with not only the people you love, but with humanity itself.
February 18: Sun enters Pisces
When the Sun leaves independent Aquarius and enters dream-seeking Pisces, it's time for you to tune into your subconscious. What do you really want? Do you have any idea? Use your imagination, grab a metaphorical surfboard and take this month to swim around with the Pisces fish. Float, dogpaddle, backstroke, tread water and ride the waves. Famous Pisces Albert Einstein, Michelangelo and Elizabeth Barrett Browning all tapped into their muse to produce some of the most beautiful art and revolutionary ideas the world has ever seen. Find your own muse this month and see what kind of magic you can create.
from Astrology.com

Mercury, the communication planet, now stands still in the sky. It's a great time to develop misunderstandings or have genuine gestures misinterpreted. It's also a fine time for missing crucial pieces of information. It is hardly, though, the most auspicious climate for sending or receiving Valentine's cards! Even if your missive reaches its intended destination, it may get as far as the "head" of the recipient but fail to reach their heart. Make sure, whatever you do or say, today... or tomorrow, that it is sincere. Commitments made under a stationary Mercury tend to prove very hard to break. – Jonathan Cainer
from Bubble.com

12th February 2007 - 18th February 2007
It's that time of year again; hearts, flowers, chocolates and expensive sparkles. So why do we do it? And who was Saint Valentine? Well, there were three different saints named Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. My pick, however, is the Valentinus who was executed for helping Christians escape torture and certain death in the Roman prisons. Apparently, he was in love with a young woman - possibly his jailer's daughter - to whom he wrote a love letter shortly before his death, signing it From your Valentine. I'm not sure whether we have quite the stars to match this love and death theme this year - we need a touch of Pluto for that - but with Mercury turning retrograde on the 14th we may all, like Yogi Bera, experience a sense of deja vue all over again!
- Penny Thornton
from Astrolutely.com

Today's Outlook: A change in the cosmic weather is indicated by the Moon's entry into conservative Capricorn at 6:41 am EST, dampening an otherwise lovely sextile between the comic lovers, Venus and Mars. But the real turnaround comes from Mercury as it begins its thrice-yearly retrograde period with the reputation for mixing up messages, delaying appointments and unraveling plans. However, we can learn a lot by reconsidering our feelings about previous decisions.
By Rick Levine., copyright 2005, Tarot.com
From Tarot.com


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sun opposes Saturn this Saturday, see what Amanda Owen has to say

February 8: Sun conjunct Neptune

The Sun conjuncts Neptune once a year, marking a new beginning, a new cycle and a new dream. Neptune represents the we-are-all-one principle, where there are no divisions or boundaries, and alludes to a spiritual connection. The Sun is all about self-definition, so the potential when the Sun and Neptune come together is to experience your spiritual nature or to feel confused about who you are ... probably a little of both. This marks an idealistic, dreamy period. The Saturn opposition later this week will help you get your feet back on the ground.

February 9: Venus square Jupiter

Now that Venus is moving away from its conjunction with Uranus, things will calm down - hopefully. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and this aspect can expand the pleasure principle represented by Venus, making this a time to beware of over-indulgence. But Jupiter also symbolizes beliefs, so in this square it's beneficial to make sure your relationships reflect your deepest-held beliefs. Venus in Pisces wants that romantic spiritual connection, yet Jupiter in Sagittarius wants to explore and roam. How do you get these two aspects to balance out? That's your problem to solve this week.

February 10: Sun opposite Saturn

Once a year, the Sun opposes serious Saturn, casting a spotlight on the rule-maker. This opposition always occurs at the halfway point of the Saturn retrograde period. Although this year the Saturn/Neptune opposition gives added complexity, it's still time to stand back and review how you're structuring your life. What important decisions are you making about yourself and the way you're living your life? As you enter the challenge of self-evaluation, make sure you don't slip over the line from assessing to depressing! This is simply a time to see how you can support yourself more effectively. Facing limitations and shedding old behaviors may be part of this process.

Kelli Fox's Astrology.com

See what Rob Brezsny says via the ancient poet Rumi for Valentine's

Free Will Astrology
