Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Capricorn New Moon:
The Capricorn Happiness Coach
by Dana Gerhardt
Capricorn inspires both our dreams for achievement and the realization that life doesn’t always turn out as we planned. Capricorn rules ambition—and reality—and after that, comes a little wisdom. This is where we get to change our minds and say screw it. Or to paraphrase J. Alfred Prufrock, "I grow old, I grow old. I wear the bottom of my pants legs rolled… so what? As long as I’m happy."
Only the young write New Year’s Resolutions....
(go to article)

Capricorn New Moon Meditation:
In Your Patience is Your Soul
by Pythia Peay
As we turn and face the New Year, we can use the energy of this New Moon to turn inward, and cultivate soulful patience. For while we may feel inspired to rush forward to put our dreams and New Year's resolutions into action, the heavens offer us an interlude of reflection. Indeed, if we can resist the forward pull of everyday life, we can realize within our consciousness the esoteric teachings embodied in the sign of Capricorn: the wisdom that comes with patiently abiding the ever-moving, ever-changing cycles of time....

(go to article)

Moon Circles site

New Moon Ritual



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