Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Stars This Week by Amanda Owen
From Astronet.com

Hard Work Pays Off If You're Flexible
01/08/06 - 01/14/06

Before the action planet Mars reaches the conjunction to powerful Pluto on January 13, he forms a supportive trine to Saturn, the planet of responsibility, on January 8. With such leadership energy, showing your strength is important now. Don't be inflexible though, because as the Sun forms a quincunx aspect to Saturn on January 14, you will have to modify your plans. With all of this intense, serious energy, thank goodness Venus sextiles Jupiter on January 12 -- this is an aspect that's all about having fun.
January 8: Mars trine Saturn
As Saturn and Pluto are in the range of a trine, Mars traveling through Sagittarius connects with hard-working Saturn and will conjunct Pluto later this week. Nothing beats this aspect for accomplishment, as the zeal and enthusiasm of the action planet in Sagittarius finds support from those in authority. The powers-that-be recognize your efforts and let you know. If there is a project you want to take on or another route that you want to explore, now is the time to advance yourself. Stay focused on your long-term goals. Patience and dedication are your allies.
January 12: Venus sextile Jupiter
Venus sextile Jupiter is a very social combination, so in the midst of an otherwise fairly intense week, take a breather and treat yourself to something you will enjoy. Dinner out with friends, a romantic evening with someone special or even a short trip will help give you the balance you need. There's nothing like getting away to give you a renewed and fresh perspective.
January 13: Mars conjunct Pluto
If you play well with others and don't try to run everything on your own, influential people will align themselves with you. If you are a control freak and alienate those who could help you, reconsider what you are doing. This aspect has fabulous potential if you handle yourself well. Mars is the planet of action and desire, Pluto symbolizes power and Sagittarius is a sign that symbolizes beliefs systems. This is an intense combo, and how everybody handles this dynamic energy will be important. There can be a tendency to act in a ruthless manner, so assess if, how, when or where to fight for what you believe in.
January 14: Sun quincunx Saturn
The Sun in dependable Capricorn meets Saturn in leadership Leo. If you want to move up the ladder and achieve your goals, it is necessary to take stock of what people want from you. You may need to deal with some unexpected responsibilities. Make the necessary adjustments to bring about a successful transition.



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